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Everything posted by Fernandoasdf

  1. I have a problem with log in my client x32, idk if the same but I want to put it in any part, btw, when are charging client in "dowload maps 0%" it say a error and continue with the client but I can't log in. :( for other way when I log out of my account I'm in mt silver so idk if the trainers valley have any relation with that. :D:
  2. All the pokemons are for sale, post your offer or send a pm. Dragonite: (Price: ???) Weavile: (Price: ???) Gengar: (Price: ???) Scyther: (Price: ???) Shinys (S): Crobat (S): (Price: ???) Crobat (S): (Price: ???)
  3. I need 100 coins :( I pay 200k in game money. :Frown:
  4. still have any pack? I need 100 coins u_u
  5. if you have more coins to sell in the future send me a pm :(
  6. looking for a good offer n_n
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