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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Prices are expected amounts and not final. Negotiable either way. Contact me here, ign (superhound) or discord (anathema #8261) LEVEL 100 UNTRAINED No price tag, feel free to offer ITEMS Protector (12.5k), Smoke balls (30k), Nevermeltice (20k), Reaper cloth (offer me), and other items may be available on request. LEVEL-UP & DEX Level up services for non-final evolution (<lvl50) up to level 94 is available for 30k. Limited dex service available too. SYNCS Natus (~10k), Kadabra (usually ~20k). Johto region-specific sync natus 12.5k. I may be able to provide other pokes and in-game services not listed here. Contact me directly and we can discuss.
  2. I have updated the info. Let me know of your offer.
  3. The prices listed are not final. We can discuss further or arrange some pokedollars+items/poke trade deal too. 125k 160k 190k 100k pm superhound ig or here in forum. Thanks!
  4. I will be online now and check back again in few hours.
  5. Please let me know if you still want it and when you will be available. Ty
  6. Updates 09/07: New pokes, prices added for all. Prices may vary (increase or decrease) based on demand.
  7. Re: Superhound's super-mixed bag (Updated 08.28) <r><QUOTE author="Huggy" post_id="437200" time="1504305689" user_id="917968"><s> </e></QUOTE> 35k</r>
  8. Re: Superhound's super-mixed bag (Updated 08.28) <t>Update 08/28: Added few ferroseeds, beldums, ev trained full 100 pokes.</t>
  9. Re: Superhound's super-mixed bag (Updated 08.24) <t>Bumpkaboo!!<br/> Update: Added/removed some mons. EV trained few.</t>
  10. Re: Superhound's super-mixed bag <r><MENTION><s>[mention]</s>Fabion97<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> Tyvm for pointing it out. I think I fixed the links now.<br/> <MENTION><s>[mention]</s>terrorez<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> I will wait a day to see if anything else comes. Else it's yours.</r>
  11. :Angel: [fade]Welcome![/fade] :Angel: Heyall! Thank you for visiting. Please check disclaimer, shop rules/guides and browse other options. PM me about anything. [glow=silver]Contact[/glow]: IGN - superhound (preferred), PM in forum and/or comment on this thread. Soon on discord too. Usual IGN online: UTC -4, 4-6 pm Rules/guides :Exclam: Fully Levelled [glow=navy]EVs not fully trained[/glow] [glow=navy]EV trained[/glow] Need levelling up [glow=Saddlebrown] Absol [/glow] [glow=Sandybrown] Aron [/glow] [glow=silver] Beldum [/glow] [glow=green] Ferroseed [/glow] [glow=Blueviolet] Goomy [/glow] [glow=purple] Noibat [/glow] [glow=teal] Rest [/glow] Syncs [glow=Hotpink] Kadabra [/glow] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synchronize Poke Items Dex, EV and levelling Sold -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loyalty perks EV options for not fully trained 100s Disclaimer/notes Please do not hesitate to message me with suggestions and comments esp. if you think prices are off or item/service quality is not good. I will make changes for reasonable comments/suggestions. Thank you! :) Last updated: 09/07/2017
  12. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>server: Blue<br/> ign: superhound<br/> <br/> Thank you for the generosity!</t>
  13. Thanks, much appreciated! This guide is outdated, superhound. Check the updated version here.
  14. is 400 discovery required for spheal correct? i just had a spheal run away at 410 discoveries.
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