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About Catalyst0910

  • Birthday 10/09/1998

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    Catalyst0910 #2777
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  1. Welcome All >>Selling Cradily & Rotom-wash >> 24hours auction after start. >> Minimum 30k+ bid required. >> Accept CC 220k HP: Ice Start offer: 350k Insta offer: 650k Start offer: 350k Insta offer: 600k Perfect smogon ready for PvP
  2. Welcome All:CharYay: >> Selling shiny Azumarill with EPIC ivs. >> 36hours auction after first call >> Minimum 40k higher bid required >> I accept CC=210k >> Insta will be added in last 24hours Start offer: 300k Current offer: Insta offer: THANK YOU:SquirtleSquad:
  3. I buy milotic, mandibuzz, nidoking. I pay total 300+200+200= 700k Pm me in-game or discord Catalyst0910 #2777
  4. Breloom h.a. price?
  5. Okay great. Pm me in-game or on discord. Discord id: Catalyst0910 #2777
  6. I am willing to buy both togekiss+volcanora for 1m. Pm me in-game or discord if that's possible: Catalyst0910 #2777
  7. Croagunk sold to [uSER=1364243]@biteo[/uSER] Contact me Catalyst0910 #2777 I'm taking breloom off the auction as no start offer was made. ThankU all
  8. ^noticed Croagunk 60hours start now. Also gastrodon auction has ended. Sold to @BeerusGoD Please contact me in-game or discord: Catalyst0910 #2777
  9. ^^bump Gastrodon 38 hours left. Please do check out other pokes too. ThankU
  10. ^^noticed 58hours left for gastrodon
  11. Hello All Selling Toxicroak , Gastrodon and Breloom RULES: 1. 60 hours auction after first call for each poke. 2. Minimum 50k+ bid required to make an offer. 3. I accept CC=240k. 4. Insta offer will be added in last 24 hours. 5. You can contact ingame or Discord for any queries: Catalyst0910 #2777 6. KeepItGoingUp:CharYay: 1. TOXICROAK: Sold 2. BRELOOM: Taking off the auction as no start offer was made. Contact me in-game or discord if anyone's interested. 3. GASTRODON: Sold ThankU All:RowletHeart:
  12. darmanitan sold togekiss sold hereby i close the auction. new auction coming up very soon. ThankU All for the support
  13. togekiss c.o. 400k my mystogan487 1hour 30mins left. darmanitan 30mins left. c.o. 550K by darksun20
  14. darmaitan 550k by darksun20. 2 hours left. togekiss 350k by manamire. 3 hours left.
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