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Everything posted by Trakalax

  1. Hi i have a question about the move relearner. If i xp scyther lvl 100 , will i be able to learn bullet punch that scizor learn at lvl 40 once i evolve him into scizor at lvl 100 ? Im worried if i dont evolve him before lvl 40 that bullet punch wont appear in the list once i evolve lvl 100. Can someone confirm me about this ? since scizor moveset his based in this attack it would be very frustrating to lose this attack.. Thanks.
  2. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 06/28] <t>600k for the feebas :)</t>
  3. I will start 100k :)
  4. If you want to sell one of them , you can pm me in game : trakalax Or just leave a comment here. Thanks :)
  5. gastly 110k bo in game from ' toilacu ' 300k insta
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