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Everything posted by Izeph11

  1. Re: Origin guild -TOP 3- (Blue,Red and Yellow servers) recruiting active players! <t>Ign: iZeph11<br/> Hours of played?: 115h, im in Sinnoh already (yellow server btw)<br/> Favorite pokemon and why? :D Absol just because its super badass<br/> Are you able to visit our discord server? - Yes<br/> Why should we accept you to our guild? - Im active, quite experienced and im looking for a guild to socialize a bit in pro :D</t>
  2. Hi im looking for a guild on yellow server, im pretty experienced. Im 19 about to enter Sinnoh, not using voice. :) 120h playtime ign: iZeph11
  3. Nevermind, https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=79531 just found this one, my bad
  4. Hello everyone, Id like to suggest implementing an Namechange into the ingame shop/support function. Would be really nice! thank you
  5. ^Topic, I offer about 20k + 20 rc
  6. Hi guys, I'd like to join your Guild but im new at the Yellow Server i got about 350h on the blue Server so im quite experienced - i dont know if this counts, if not i'll make it to 200h and hit u up again! 1. What is your current play time? - 70h Yellow - 350~h Blue 2. What is your favorite thing to do in pro :3 - I enjoy everything besides EV training 3. Cats or Dogs??? (this is most important....) :OOO - Cats 4. What are your goals in pro? - become one of the best! 5. Why do you wish to join our pack? x3 - You guys seem quite nice, experienced and funny
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