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Everything posted by Gintlar

  1. Thank you so much, no more error.
  2. It comes out after a few steps. Standing still nothing happens. After beating Muk and taking "Gracidea Shiny Flower", this strange message started to come out, which tells me to warn the staff. If possible I would like to know what to do without wasting too much time on bonuses (membership). Thank you!
  3. Salve, se possibile vorrei entrare nella gilda. Nick : Gintlar. Ho 23 anni e gioco dal 2015 (Con molte pause in mezzo, infatti sto a solo 540h).
  4. Hi What's your Player name (IGN)? Gintlar Number of hours played? 464h What's your favourite Pokemon? Same Level Glaceon (shiny is better) ((Grovyle because of explorers of the sky)) What country are you from? Italy How old are you? 23 Which server do you play on? Silver
  5. Salve a tutti ^^ Mi chiamo Antonio e vorrei entrare in questa gilda PS : Sono Italiano Nick: gintlar
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