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  1. ok timer here https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20201222T2055&p0=1290&msg=Shellder+shiny+auction+end&font=cursive
  2. Hey i'm selling my shiny shellder! Auction end 24h after the first bid. Start 1M6 by kreeZANICATION Min bid 100k CC = 400K Insta 3M timer : https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20201222T2055&p0=1290&msg=Shellder+shiny+auction+end&font=cursive
  3. cancel
  4. hey , how much for 8 pokes full ev pls
  5. hey i want to know the price for ev train 6 poke under lvl 40 and 2 over lvl 40 thx for ur answer
  6. wtb Synch Ralts idc about iv looking for : Adamant Bold Brave Calm Careful Gentle Hasty Impish Jolly Lax Lonely Mild Modest Naive Naughty Quiet Rash Relaxed Sassy Timid
  7. Event togetic sold
  8. sold , by never4alone [MEDIA=imgur]eoProaF[/MEDIA]
  9. New poke
  10. Forretress sold
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