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Everything posted by Rey89

  1. s.o. 10m insta 18m min bid +500k the auction lasts 7 days from the first bid accept iv reroll and cc
  2. ciao nitro , cercami in game mi chiamo rey89
  3. ciao , giochi ancora??cercami in game mi chiamo rey89
  4. ciao, giochi ancora ??in game mi chiamo rey89
  5. Bump
  6. Cerc Cerchi ancora Gilda?
  7. Cerchi ancora Gilda ?
  8. Ehi s Scusa il ritardo ..cerchi ancora Gilda ?
  9. Giochi ancora ?
  10. as no one has approached I close the post
  11. maybe it will not be worth 30m but it is worth 20m, as no one has approached I close the post
  12. it is not an auction, if you want to place a bid make it
  13. Hello guys, Im selling my easter Larvesta, this is not an auction....im listen to offer. You can write your offert here, in game (Rey89), or discord (gx89#3579)... Please only serious offers :D
  14. up
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