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  1. Then only in easter plateau do the different types of togepi come out, or also in their new spawn?
  2. Server : Blue Change name Current name: Pwenage4 New name : Autumn Borrar mi cuenta en red, y dejar solo la cuenta en blue Delete my network account, and leave the account in blue only Dont reset blue account.
  3. Ya lo solucionaron?, y si no les sirve todavia, insistan hasta que les sirva, eso hice yo
  4. a mi tambien, parece que estan haciendo mantenimiento, eso durara 20 a 30 minutos, es normal tranquilo ñ-ñ
  5. Autumn

    PRO Wiki.

    They did a Great Job In this Wiki, It will be of Great Aid, since it contains of everything.
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