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Posts posted by Jnasalenga

  1. [glow=red] I was able to win at my first bug catching contest with a 200+ points ledian and they said that I won 25000 but it did not appear in my poke dollars. I got a cricketot too as a prize. please help. [/glow]

  2. I've just newly joined into the game and I have been slow, I mean slow as in I'm just in my 4th badge, because of school :confused: and I usually decide on my team before hand but its been weirdly difficult for me to pick a team, I am usually into the dual type pokemon since they cater to two types. Wherein I just appoint the opponent's weakness and 1 hit KO from there. I love cute pokemon too. Although I personally do not like overlapping types but I really cant find that sweet spot on my team. :Angel: I'm willing to let go of most of them if someone can suggest a new team, I have a squirtle in my box too.


    My team right now is:


    Gastly, Seadra, Charizard, Pikachu, Nidorina (for Cut, Headbutt, Dig, RockSmash)


    My most powerful ones are

    Seadra (Lvl 36), Charizard (Lvl 56), Pikachu (Lvl 52)


    Want to keep?

    Charizard, Seadra, Pikachu (maybe??)


    Any suggestions?? Thank you so much :Heart:

  3. some info for u


    U can get a free arcanine mount in game from a quest


    also dont evo your pokemon till in the 90s because its the fastest way to lv based on the setup of the exp rate

    Dont wait till 98 to start evoing there has been some people that did this and once in a wile it bugs and does not evo after lving iv seen this done for a few people that got stuck with lv100 first forms.ID say start evoing at 95 96 no later thin that.


    also the best thing to do for cash is hunt and sell pokemon .u can also sell nuggets and some other items to a npc for cash.If theres things in the cash shop u want u will be able to find some one willing to sell or trade u what u want most of the time .It how i got my team aqua hat XD


    also once u play awile u will find that lving is really easy once u have more maps open to lv the type of poke u are useing vs whats weak to it in high end zones


    thank u so much for the tips :Grin: but wont they need to evolve to get certain moves because they change types after a while like charmander evolves to charizard who is a fire flying type ??? I looked it up and it sounds really good although one time I was trying to catch a tangela and I used about 10 pokeballs and 5 ultra balls on that thing cause i didnt have great balls and it was already paralyzed and had very low hp on the red side and its just so tiny already. I was so annoyed. Does that really happen in this game? oh can u do the quest right after u get surf ?

  4. Hey there :D


    As everyone else has said~ welcome to PRO!

    Totally feel you on how addicting it is~

    Just a suggestion for money gain~ people are always looking for rare candies! There are lots of hidden items in the game :) (And you can find various game guides hinting to where they are) Not to mention if you visit all the digspots, you can find lots of items to sell that way too! Just hang in there, and soon you won't be hurting so much for money ;P

    Good luck and see you around!


    Hey Embrifox, people are so nice here. I'm happy about it, and how much do you think rarecandies would sell for? I accidentally used one of mine on a metapod it was painful I still havent gotten use to the controls and I just got dig on my nidorina and still looking to develop on my team. I just hope there were option so people can co-op like tag team battles and such cause I got a bunch of friends to play but we really cant play together. :Frown:

  5. Hey, welcome to PRO :)

    Glad to hear you're enjoying the game!


    Do they really pay for those?

    As a matter of fact, people do pay for those. Mounts are very convenient and nothing's better than looking good while interacting with other players and friends :Cool:


    And the Mount Pokemon are they just for riding or can they battle and breed too?

    They are just for riding. :)


    Why are they under consumable does that mean after a certain amount of time they will disappear?"

    They won't disappear, they are permanent items that are tradable.


    Thank you so much for the helpful answers Kagawa. I was just wondering tho if I could petition for a change in my username because I didnt know it was gonna be my IGN and my friend told me to never give my real name in gaming sites im really new to this so I wonder if I could petition for this. :Shy: :thanks:

  6. -snip-


    Hey there Jnasalenga and welcome to PRO!

    We also have various ways to support you - you can check our Game Guides and the PRO Wiki or seek out Live Chat support via our IRC Channel. Feel free to also check out our Facebook Page, Twitter, Youtube Channel, and Instagram as well! Good luck, have fun, and enjoy your game! :)


    Hi, so is there any way to request a change of my username because I didn't realize that my username will be my IGN and it gives out a little too much about my personal data = my real name. My friend just told me never to use my real name in gaming so if ever that can really help me out. Thank you. :thanks:

  7. -cut-


    This is so awesome but I really did just learn about PRO. Will I not be qualified to enter? :Frown:


    I want the Nintendo Switch because my first console was the New Nintendo 3DS XL Galaxy Version but when I went to Japan, it got stolen from me. I cried for weeks because of this. Right after that Nintendo Switch came out although I spent most of my money getting the N3DS. I also never win in these raffles but I hope I win this one. More power to PRO. :Heart-eyes:

  8. Hello everyone!


    I just joined Pokemon Revolution Online and so far I have beed addicted to it.


    At first I was surprised on how hard it is to grind here but I guess that's part of the challenge. So far I have been struggling to pick out a team and grinding for cash cause I really need a bike. :confused: I am amazed on how there are people riding their Pokemon and having these really cool costumes. Do they really pay for those? And the Mount Pokemon are they just for riding or can they battle and breed too? :Heart-eyes: Why are they under consumables does that mean after a certain amount of time they will disappear? I'm sorry I have too many questions but if there are any tips you can give me please feel free to comment below.


    I love this game because I used to get my games corrupted all the time or my consoles break so even though in this game you can't really save before a previous battle and if you loose you can always battle again at least my save file is on the cloud so I will never have to fear about loosing it.


    So far, I've been loving the game and I hope to meet some new friends. :Heart:

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