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  1. I was just in celadon city and my game wouldn't load so I logged out and tried to log back in but I got a message saying I got banned?? I love this game and have done nothing to get banned. I really just want to get to play the game again!
  2. My bad bro my friend told me how to continue. Have it all figured out now. Thanks!
  3. I think you failed at some way because the only way you get cut is in and not directly after the 2nd gym. Or did I missunderstood you and you got it not directly after the 2nd gym? In the game the leader of the second gym tells you to get the cut TM from the person at the front of the gym, which I bought from the person for $1,500. It was in my bag ready to be used I just didn't put it on any of my pokemon. I went back on the next day and it wasn't there. I can't progress to Saffron City if I don't have it.
  4. I had gotten Pokemon Revolution about 3 days ago and last night I ended up finishing the second gym in the game. Once I beat it I went to the front of the gym where I got my cut TM and left to do some more training. None of the pokemon I had in my top 6 were able to learn cut so I just trained a little bit and then logged off, leaving the TM in my bag. I then logged back in this morning and the TM is nowhere to be seen in my bag. I checked all of the moves on all my pokemon and tried going back to the gym but I couldn't get another cut from the person in the front. HELP.
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