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Everything posted by Donleomon

  1. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="383747" time="1494298945" user_id="1120928"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Thats as good as a excuse as any i guess lol considering u can beat all 3 regins in around if not less thin 1-2 rld not even tring hard.<br/> the hardest zone was hoenn. 1 gyarados can sweep all 3 e 4s<br/> <br/> Endgame content should not =needing to play for any thing over 300hrs.There are better ways like making the quest harder .<br/> I cant see new players looking at that and thinking that they are even go to stay or care for waiting 700-800hrs to get something . let alone kill bosses more thin once with that stupid cd on them.<br/> <br/> Clearly u guy are just going out of your way at this point to kill the game off .</r>
  2. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <t>Facepalm why do they make the times needed so retartedly high for everything new any more let alone the fail cd on bosses that seems like theres only 2 thats even worth doing 3 times for rewards also pink island time needed was a joke aswell. for needing 2 high lv poke to give to lose forever. +cash each time to u go there.</t>
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