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  1. im in sinnoh and i want burmy but i cant arrive at the 207 route but i cant go accross the cave because i havent rock smash for destruct some rock can you help me?
  2. I have risolved this problem thanks for your attention <3
  3. i have search in the abbandoned ship but i have only four keys i search in all the ship
  4. hi i need a huntail to go on sinnoh but i dont know to find a deepseatooth for evolve Clamperl can you help me?
  5. i have defeat wallace but since my pokemon were exhausted I came down from the hill where he is juan to cure them now wallace does not teleport me anymore
  6. i after defeating wallace he brought me from juan but my pokemon were exhausted so I went to cure the problem that now I do not know how to come back HELP PLEASE THANKS
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