zer0heute um 16:00 Uhr
hello everyone, today i encountered a problem, as i tried to login on my pc rather then on my tablet where i have everything set up allready, the launcher told me to megre my acount with the dashboard, something i allready did do some years ago and i can login there as usual, but not into the game.
snowflake huntressheute um 16:03 Uhr
BuddyBotBOTheute um 16:03 Uhr
You can reset your password here.
If you are experiencing issues, try to clear your browser cache or try a different web browser!
snowflake huntressheute um 16:03 Uhr
@Zer0 try this to link accounts
zer0heute um 16:05 Uhr
thank you @buddybot , tried that allready but it always says the token expired.
thx @Snowflake huntress, ill try that
uummm.... what exactly? there is no link in your answere
snowflake huntressheute um 16:06 Uhr
use a different browser
and no special characters a-z and 0-9
lol yes its the link from the bot ^^^
zer0heute um 16:13 Uhr
unfortunately it stells me the token haas expired :frowning: tried it without special charcters and on firefox now
heute um 16:14 Uhr
Can you please clear the cahce of the browser you're using.
Additionally can you please delete all emails received from PRO in regards of resetting the password.
zer0heute um 16:15 Uhr
i had to install firefox all new so its clear on that front
ok il try that
heute um 16:16 Uhr
Also, after this is done when resetting the passowrd in the reset pass link. When it asks for you to enter your username. Can you please type the username in all Lower Case letters too. This may help also. @Zer0
zer0heute um 16:18 Uhr
allready did the o of zer0 is just a zero y itself
by itself
tried it again and it didnt work, i gave in a server transfer order in hope it will resolve the problem
heute um 16:29 Uhr
If your name contains a number sure add it in. I meant the other letters xd.
heute um 16:31 Uhr
Hmmm, if you're having troubles with token expired still and can still login into the forums. I guess make a post and a staff member can help you out. @Zer0
BuddyBotBOTheute um 16:31 Uhr
Here is a link to the General Support sub-forum.