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Everything posted by Mexicannoob

  1. U posted in the wrong area mate And its a worthless poke due to its ivs and nature
  2. Cant see the image
  3. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <t>A few new ones</t>
  4. If blue server why posted on red?
  5. Not working for me :(
  6. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <t>New pokes added</t>
  7. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <t>Updated, now posting pokemons for ANYONE who wishes to sell their pokemons on "Friends" section in this shop</t>
  8. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <t>Sold to araragikun for 1.35m</t>
  9. Updated with more sniny adds Thx to all who participated :D If any mistake plz hit me up If have some shinies not on the list or better than the omes on the list plz hit me up
  10. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="xdiamont89" post_id="464459" time="1510029706" user_id="179116"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ok once i get online i shall trade with u<br/> <br/> If ur not on today, i will be online 24/7 3 days straight as i will be off work<br/> [/quote<br/> <br/> ot Patriciaa95 <e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <br/> Okie dokie! Will hit u up once im on, idk why my shop is closed tho... is open, i have PM mods</QUOTE></r>
  11. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <t>Umm... i never click the close button... something went wrong?</t>
  12. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="rendyrandy18" post_id="464427" time="1510019490" user_id="1342272"><s> </e></QUOTE> on hold for a player who offers 1m, waiting to be sold <e> </e></QUOTE> sold mate?if not yet i offer 1,1m <e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <br/> Current best offer is 225 rare candies valued at 1.3m<br/> <br/> <br/> By jadontombs<br/> <br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://a66.tinypic.com/2ik9thu.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  13. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="xdiamont89" post_id="464447" time="1510025884" user_id="179116"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ok once i get online i shall trade with u<br/> <br/> If ur not on today, i will be online 24/7 3 days straight as i will be off work</r>
  14. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="rendyrandy18" post_id="464427" time="1510019490" user_id="1342272"><s> </e></QUOTE> on hold for a player who offers 1m, waiting to be sold <e> </e></QUOTE> sold mate?if not yet i offer 1,1m <e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> As stated in my rules, I can sell it to anyone that send the trade request first, in this case i will sell it to you, I'll notify Araragikun i got a better offer and will sell to you as soon as i get online</r>
  15. Thx guys/ladies
  16. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="TR3Y" post_id="464344" time="1509998240" user_id="4097"><s> </e></QUOTE> All urs<br/> <br/> I took it off the list</r>
  17. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="rendyrandy18" post_id="464248" time="1509976787" user_id="1342272"><s> </e></QUOTE> on hold for a player who offers 1m, waiting to be sold</r>
  18. Hows the drinks tasting? Anyone want a Margarita?
  19. I would pooped my pants if that happens! Soool freaking awesome it would be
  20. I believe the most will be positive changes
  21. Greetings!!! Come... sit with me... and lets have a cold one... lets have a talk... My name is Carlos, nice to meet you, i seek to be friends with you and help you out at when ever possible, I dont seek anything in return, Im willing to help you out when is possible for me, and i just seek to have a little talk, for Red and Yellow server players, with a dedication to new players My Discord is STRATEGIST#8849 (Yes, all caps) Trade chat Do you have problems or can use some tips on trying to sell your pokemons or items? Need some help with Price checks? Investment aid? Need some advice/comments on your pvp team? Thinking about using or using bots, or any other Illegal Bannable acts? Troublesome players Scammed? Real world money trading Summary, Here to help you out U have a friend here that will be more than happy to help u out on ur needs
  22. Yea is a huge defect in the game Especially for players with over 5m+
  23. Re: Nov.>>Most Biggest Shopping Center <t>New pokes</t>
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