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Everything posted by Xuiey

  1. I'm trying to buy a signature made by someone (your price) I just ask you to use this as this (X) in my name and maybe add Xerneas somewhere in it?
  2. [mention]PreHax[/mention] Well personally I'm on blue, but I'm honestly pretty sure when I downloaded it 2 - 3 days ago the default was red and I chose blue just because I love blue lol but why hasn't the owner may decided in a better dedicated server to hold more players? Then just have a few players go as undercover bot finders? Just a thought or two, personally I've ran a couple private servers for different games I never broke my player max but I found ways to stop lag because of so many players by finding better dedicated's or upgrading with the current provider.
  3. I simply ask, why are there multiple servers and not one mega server?
  4. Shouldn't this be fixed? lmao
  5. Thank you for the opportunity! <r><COLOR color="#00FF00"><s></s>I seen someone asking for 2 npcs so I was wondering if I could possibly get 2 npcs, 1 for my girlfriend and 1 for me? (We both did the follows and everything with proof)<br/> I kinda have a little duo kind of thing with these to also, they collaborate with each other. Without one there is no other!<e></e></COLOR><br/> <br/> <COLOR color="#00FFFF"><s></s>- NPC 1 -<br/> Name: Keith<br/> Gender: Male<br/> Outfit Color: Blue<br/> Poke Type: Water(if you could)<br/> First Talk Dialogue: My love for Jeanette is stream of water that never stops!<br/> Win Battle Dialogue: Just like my love, my Pokemon are strong!<br/> Lose Battle Dialogue: My Pokemon may have lost but my love will never fade!<br/> After Battle Dialogue: Home is where your heart is. <E>:Heart:</E> <e></e></COLOR><br/> <COLOR color="#BF00FF"><s></s>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<e></e></COLOR><br/> <COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>- NPC 2 -<br/> Name: Jeanette<br/> Gender: Female<br/> Outft Color: Red<br/> Poke Type: Fire(If you could she wanted Charizard, Rhapidash and Flareon)<br/> First Talk Dialogue: My love for Keith is a fire that never goes out!<br/> Win Battle Dialogue: Just like my love, my Pokemon are strong!<br/> Lose Battle Dialogue: My Pokemon may have lost but my love will never fade!<br/> After Battle Dialogue: Home is where your heart is. <E>:Heart:</E> <e></e></COLOR><br/> <COLOR color="#BF00FF"><s></s>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<e></e></COLOR><br/> <SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#00FF00"><s></s>We would both like to be placed facing each other right here on Route 212<e></e></COLOR> <COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>(the red square)<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE><br/> <br/> <br/> <COLOR color="#00FF00"><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>Here's proof I follow, subbed, and yea<e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <COLOR color="#BF00FF"><s></s>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<e></e></COLOR><br/> <COLOR color="#00FF00"><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>Also since my girlfriend wanted one she decided to follow, and sub on those 3 also (we just don't have twitter)<e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <COLOR color="#BF00FF"><s></s>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<e></e></COLOR><br/> <SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#00FF00"><s></s>If you manage to make the wish come true thank you so very much ! <E>:thanks:</E><e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE></r>
  6. @Shamac is this still being done?
  7. I would be so grateful! <t>Hi my name is Xuiey! I just recently started on PRO due to having a lack of money and gaming consoles but I manage to have a laptop to get down on some Pokemon! I was searching for a good Pokemon rpg online and stumbled across this, a downloadable, full screen, multiplayer one and I fell in love! I believe this switch should be mine because it will give my girlfriend and I finally the chance to game together!</t>
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