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About Maxisthier

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  1. Ends 27.5.2020 00:23 GMT +2
  2. s.o 200k min raise 50k insta: 1m ends: 24h after after first bid Paymont methods: cc=400k iv rr=750k nature rr= 325k
  3. Kuto won the Shiny Kabutobs
  4. min raise lowered to 100k
  5. Username: Maxisthier Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Germany / gmt +2
  6. Auction will end 13:38 25.05.2020 ( Timezone MESZ)
  7. start offer: 500k min. raise: 200k ends: 48h after first bid Accepting: cc: 400k iv reroll: 650k nature reroll: 325k
  8. Clefairy 31def sold
  9. Add me in Discord "black girl called steve#6737" so we can talk bout the place where we meet
  10. I deleted it and it was not on purpose. Thanks you for giving it back.
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