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Everything posted by Evaldoquimera

  1. por favor, você poderia me informar onde eu recebo a lista atualizada de todos os chefes e sua aplicação. obrigado !
  2. Release pokemon Espurr <t>Please, how do I recover my pokemon I captured, I gave the wrong release.<br/> <br/> id 25261048</t>
  3. hahahahah, ok ok ok
  4. I also have this problem, and now, who will help us?
  5. I would like to know where I can find Latios on the map of Hoenn, thanks
  6. ty, my friends :Smile: :Smile:
  7. Please, Could someone tell me the location of each "Boss" in the game Thank you !!!
  8. thank you for up past information, but the site I am and that "water path " and not have this place in the topic you passed. In the guide Windypuff posted, go to the post that says "Sevii Islands" and click "Show Spoiler." Water Path is listed with Pokemon spawns in that post. THANK YOU ALL !!! You can close the topic
  9. Can you explain more about your case? "pokemon relationship that exist in islands Sevii" - I cannot get your point If you mean pokemon location, here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=17244 thank you for up past information, but the site I am and that "water path " and not have this place in the topic you passed.
  10. What is the place ?
  11. Hello, someone has the pokemon relationship that exist in islands Sevii ty
  12. :Cool: Thank you my friend,
  13. -Please, where there's a complete list where is each pokemon per route, be it in the water, ground or in the trees I appreciate the attention
  14. I believe it is an easy problem to solve , just buy the time that the server crashed, and the time I was trying to capture
  15. I will wait for someone to answer with a team Problem Solution :Light:
  16. I think that a great injustice , dedicate time to the game . :Grin:
  17. PRO Username: evaldoquim Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? trying to catch mew What have you already tried to solve the problem? I returned Description and Message I was trying to capture the mew, fell and the server , then I tried to go again and I can not more , I need Power paragraph Help Recover mew
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