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  1. Hi bro. Message me in-game. I will buy many. Total is 3,520,000 for 27 pokes. Kindly double check. Thank you.
  2. Hi. Wtb 50k 30/30 buneary
  3. Hello. My exp share item was lost after server maintenance. Can you help me please? Thank you. I checked every poke and it was not held by them. I also checked my backpack.
  4. Re: Origin guild -TOP 3- (Blue,Red and Yellow servers) recruiting active players! <t>Hello,<br/> IGN is Zeifier. I am from blue server. We all battled in pvp. I have also discord acc and chatted with nor. Well, you should accept me because I am active even if I have a full-time job. As a child and until now that I am already working, Im still addicted to this game. Hope you all accept me.</t>
  5. Sometimes earthquake affects flying pokes such as gliscor. I experienced it 2 times now leading to a frustrating pvp loss. Please fix thus asap!!!
  6. I will pay very well. IGN is Zeifier.
  7. Too low. Price starts at 500k.[mention]dianipandi.
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