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Posts posted by Sempra

  1. Hi i have question whats the best ability and nature for Numel ? Im going to evolve it later to a Camerupt and i would rather have a pritty bulky and special attacker becuase i assume thats whats supposed to be good at, Well thx in advance ?


    Hello Platingsquare,


    I'm sorry but your post was in the wrong place, this is not General Support :) General Support is for asking help when a trouble comes out :Grin:


    Let me move this post to General Game Talk section :)

  2. Hello, Im Vnbaby from red server.

    I had done teleport quest long time ago but after I talked to NPC Waston in New Mauvile, the quest was reset.

    Do I have to do the quest again or something else?

    Please help me. Thank you for reading ^^.


    Hello VNBaby from red server ! :Grin:


    I'm sorry to be the one to announce you that but, yes, you will have to do the quest once again, sadly :confused:


    This bug happened when the staff had to revamp the NPC and the Quest to fix them from bugging in the first place. Alas you wont cut the way through Hoenn's teleport system unless you redo the quest.

    I know it's a long path to make, but the Valhalla is at the end ! Keep it good, and you won't be asked to do it a third time ! :)


    Be brave, be strong, and let this topic be lock as solved !

  3. https://images.discordapp.net/attachments/325802177484554240/325922736759373826/20170617_155523.jpg?width=400&height=225


    Thats it, it was my hm slave had dig, surf, rock smash, and cut, level 100 it would be nice if you could get it back for me, thanks a lot


    Hello ImJessehh,


    Providing the ID number of the Pokemon is a good reflex :)


    An admin will search for your lost Pokemon once they got the time to handle it :Grin:


    Also please be careful next time ;)

  4. i have kill suicune from guardian, and i come to uknown place to get suicune back. but after beat nikola i dont get anything..(i choose suicune)


    Hello burnbabyburn,


    The others users have it right. Now that you beaten Nikolas you'll have to go to the Guardian again, and try to don't miss your Suicune again :)


    Tip : You can go back in Pokecenter and take a false swiper and synchro when Suicune appears :)


  5. I've been playing for a while now and the last few weeks the red server just seems to go offline or roll back a few times per day. Is there a reason for this? I'm kinda new to the forums.


    Hello Cederic96,


    As told before, the servers are sometimes experiencing random crashes, and sometimes they need to be rebooted manually also. When it comes to a manual reboot, a short message ingame will appear to tell you the server is being rebooted and let you the time to disconnect before it comes to a kick of the server. For other crashes tho, they're random and their nature is purely technical. PRO is a big game asking a lot through servers and the architecture is sometimes not stable. Luckily, the staff made a quick reboot command which normally grant access again to the servers after only a few minutes.


    If you're experiencing random crashes again, we are sorry but there is nothing we can do at this point to stop them. I hope the unconfort will be only a passage and then you will be back in game as soon as it's online again :)


    Have fun in PRO, and don't forget the good moves to avoid crash rollback issues (disconnect to save your rare poke/shiny you just caught, don't forget to open your backpack from times to times, and go in Pokecenter on a regular basis can help too :Grin: )


    Now allow me to lock this topic as solved.

  6. Hey there, thank you for messaging us. We will reply as soon as possible, thank you for your patience and sorry for any inconvenience


    Hello Ardakrg,


    Are you currently experiencing some crash issues with your game ? I can't really understand why you posted this sentence here. Please be more precise and stick to the subject :Grin:

  7. Guys I having problem when i am logging in any buddy help me saying this when i am logging in-:


    Please Help


    Hello Riteshjadaun,


    We're sorry to see that your game is crashing. Does that happen a lot ? Have you already played without those crashes ? Have you tried delete the entire folder and proceed to a new installation ? We need more informations about that in order to help you correctly. Please be sure to answer to my question, it'll give us a good start to think about your problem and try to solve it with you.


    You can also definitely check the Crash issues procedure by clicking here and try to fix your problem with this General Support Bible we have.


    I hope this will help solve your crashes :)

  8. Hi guys! I'm new one here. I just created my account here and i wanted to play, but client is all time showing "loading map". I didn't even start a game. After logged in, I was stucked in "loading map", so I didn't even create my own character. Same problem on every server. I read some subjects about it and I tried some tips, but there is the same "loading screen". Maybe somebody knows the solution?


    Hello Verschen,


    I'm sorry to read you're experiencing some troubles connecting to the game.


    This problem appears in some case when the internet connection speed is too slow. Or when your firewall is blocking PRO so it cannot allow access to the Map Loading Server.


    Maybe you can check this from your side and come again to tell us if it solved the problem. If you're encountering any other problem, you can refer to the General Support Bible to help you with ! We will make ourselves a pleasure to help you again if you encounter any other troubles tho :)

  9. I haven't given my information to anyone.

    I cannot get the IDs of the pokemon since I didn't release them.

    I don't think even half an hour spent on a game is little. And since you are experienced you know leveling a pokemon to 100 takes 2 hours or more but I might be wrong.

    Also I really don't think that person was simply trying to help me by saying "this is no point to quit the game you are either lying or bluffing" or " i don't think this is a solid case". But that doesn't matter I just want to know if there is a possible solution. Can someone bring my account to a previous date or something like that? If not it is understandable.


    Hello ntinosilios,


    As our other users said to you, and I really think they were trying to help you even if sometimes people have a certain clumsyness to appear kind due to the written format of the forum board, if you don't have the ID of the Pokemons, unfortunately there is nothing our team can do to help you finding back your Pokemon.


    As i see, you already tried to change your password, i hope you managed to do it because if you're not the one which has released those Poke, someone else had access to your account and did it. I also managed you didn't answered this question precedently so i assume you had probably given your password to someone else who you think was trustworthy, but with the internet, noone can always know for sure.


    In any ways, we are not here to volontarily accuse someone from being evil or bad at other people.


    We are really sorry for not being able to help you more, but restore your account to a previous configuration is not technically possible, and so is not possible to track pokemons if you dont have the ID number.


    No need to quit the game for this anyway, i guess you could find better Pokemons to replace the ones you've lost by trying a little more and left-right some good old wild grass ! :Smile:


    In order to prevent future problems, i can only advise you with two good answers we often give to players :


    - Don't give your password to anyone neither let your pc in free access if you have direct login informations,

    - Make a little folder on your desktop with screenshots of your best beasts so you can already access to their ID in case there's a problem (like a mini own database :D )


    Please understand that without any evidences of any kind, we cannot conclude to a scam or a hacking for this subject.


    i'm sorry for the delay and i hope to see you ingame soon with better pokemons ! :Grin:


  10. How much can i use layers on map ? Where can i get more tiles for maping ?


    Hello ShiroDrago,


    I see that Frux has once again answered to your questions, and i hope it satisfies you to have the layers information :)


    Unfortunately, he is right, our mappers and artists don't reveal their own templates. But you can maybe do with your own or sort something out ;)


    I wish you to be creative and smart !


    Now allow me to lock this topic as solved.

  11. Im looking for a guy nammed Simoinki he didnt Connect for 5 months and i gived him some epic poks to train and the prolem i didnt make screenshots because he trained so many poks for me and i think he stopped playing this game is there anyway to get a solution ? or a method to contact him ?


    Hello Rached04,


    Unfortunately for you, without the screenshots, we cannot do anything to give you your poke back.


    You can always try to send a PM to Simoinki by using the Send Private Message link in his profil to talk with him if he comes again by this place.


    We have no other way for you to contact this Simoinki. Please, always be careful and take screenshots when you do a trade, to avoid situations like this one again.


    I hope i've been helpful, and i hope you'll get an answer from him to get your poke back :)


    I'll now lock this topic as solved.

  12. I've recently gone to Hoenn, and every time I open my map it stays on my screen if I log out and log back in, it's still there with no X at the top for me to close it. I have to completely close the game for it to go away. Please fix this, or at least tell me how I fix it. Thanks.


    Hello Nixx109,


    Have you tried to download the game again, erase any precedent version and install it in a new folder ?

    Can you also provide us screenshots from the situation ?


    Please do it and we will se what can be wrong with your map if it doesn't solve it by itself :Grin:

  13. I had started that quest in hoen many months ago..I couldnt complete the quest..I searched every station every town pc

    is it bugged..if there anything you can do to help me ..or restart the quest or something?

    thanking you


    As PurpleMauth already said, usually people forgot some centers. He made a good list for you and if it doesn't work after you visit each pokecenter again, please make a bug report with screenshots at ALL the pokecenter proving this doesn't work.


    For now, there is no known bug on the quest anymore and you weren't providing evidences, so this topic is more a General Support matter, so i'll move it to the proper forum and lock it as solved.

  14. INGLESH :Was taking the TM: rock smash, when I went to use I was disconnected from the server, and when I went to see it was not in the pokemon, nor in the inventory, talk what I have to do or something to help me. thank you/ PORTUGUES : estava pegando a TM : rock smash, quando eu fui usar eu fui desconectada do servidor,e quanto fui ver ela não estava no pokemon,nem no inventario, fala o que tenho que fazer ou algo que me ajude. obrigado... ^^


    Hello anadarkness11,


    We're sorry to see you that you are actually experiencing a crash issue. Alas, there's not much we can do, except give you the advice to buy another Rock Smash TM to learn it again to your Pokemon. This happens sometimes when there's a rollback.


    Gladly for you, it's not a big issue, you just have to back a TM again :)


    I hope i've been helpful, now please allow me to movet this topic to the proper forum and lock it as solved.

  15. I didnt made this thread just for decorating your forum, I'm actually expecting an answer from it ! ( this is how it's supposed to works, we report potential bug, you are also supposed to CARE and to answer about it ... )


    Hello JeReMCo,


    I can understand your thinking path, but allow me to tell you, as an CC Apprentice, that you're making bad ideas about the way we can deal with your bug report.


    The team has actually read your report, and is currently investigating on the facts you're describing in your first post, lead of the topic. As you said, actually a burned blissey stop suffering the burn effects when it comes to struggle and for now, that case has probably never happened or nobody as reported it.


    At first, let me thank you for your report, so the team sould improve that, and make the game even better ;)


    On one hand, please remember that the team, especially the programmers, have a lot to do and have more and more tickets incoming as the game is running, which is the normal behaviour for an online game which is still under development, and this way to work is very time-consuming for everyone. As we told a lot to the community, and you shouldn't be aware of that too, everyone is making PRO better on his free time, so sometimes, life make it really hard for people to progress in their current tasks and it take a lot of efforts to propose you the game better and better as it's actually the case in my opinion.

    You also have to take in accountance the recent efforts that have been made to satisfy a lot of the community, and has a pvp-player (because yes, we pay attention to our fellow posters and active players ;) ) you cannot deny the BIG achievments and progress that have been made to contribute to make the pvp a better place for everyone now (notified efforts from Thor which have granted access to a lot more moves than ever, experiencing new pokemons, releasing new starters and interesting pokemons for constant evolution of the pvp/pve meta of the game).



    On the other hand, you need to learn and understand the debugging process for it to be perfectly aware of the difficulty of what you're asking. First of all, in any cases, one needs to reproduce the case encountered, to show if it's a recurrent bug or an isolated one. On this two sides, one needs to define if it's normal behaviour of the game or if it's bug-relevant. On each side again, pre-causes are needed to be found. And this already could take an enooooormous amount of time. And yet the bug is still not solved. Just located and described.


    Afterwards, one should be able to tell if the bug can be fixed or not, and only at this time, try to figure out some solution to fix it. But that doesn't stop here, no. In order to fix it, one needs to know if it concerns every pokemon/every move/every status too, and also needs to find a solution to fix it without bugging any other thing in the game, which is still online for thousands of people using it everyday and that make as many complaints as people who don't understand why there's something forbid them to play.


    And finally in the case where everything is considered, weighted, pros and cons compared, then the programmer will start applying his solution to the problem located.


    So, please, consider every faces of the work to do, everytime you find a bug and report it, and next time, avoid using such language and lack of patience/tolerance regarding the ones making the game you like to play with.


    And, regarding to your other answers :

    Nothing is difficult and everything is perfectly explained here.

    As you said, why does blissey stopped to take burn damage when it started to struggle, is my question, exactly like I asked in my first message here, so i dont get why the admins ignores.


    Yes, as i told you before, there are many things more difficult they you ever imagine. As a game developper/artist myself, i can tell by experience that you're far to imagine the quarter of the work it should bring to someone, for just a "simple" bug report. There's even a billion things to discover in this computer-based world even for the best programmer on earth, so please be more indulgent and soft and don't treat other like garbage, or they will not consider you as a human being too.


    Regarding to the part you're thinking admin ignores you, i hope this message will calm your ardor and wish that you can understand that, even if nobody comes at first to reinsure you, you're not alone and we're taking as much effort as we can to make every one of the players feel more comfortable ingame every day. Sometimes, humans can just not be around to answer you a full-flow message as i just did, and it has to be considered also.


    This being said, please be sure that when your demand is still here, it's because it needs to be treated, we can just not give you any ETA of the progress on this one because it's a very difficult case to solve as it is.


    Our guess for this report, after investigating and searching solution, is that the struggle move was taking the both recoil and burn damages at the same time, so it doesn't appear in a 2-round text chat. Allow me to lock this topic as solved, and be sure we read every report made but remember investigations take time sometimes !


    And tho, tbh, next time you should make your post better by applying a title which clearly describe the situation in a few words, it really help us to see "In struggle, burn doesn't apply" more than "lmao dis iz bug". It's the second report that you made, and also the two only appearing in the main report page, where we cannot tell what's the bug clearly by just reading the title :Grin: (the other one is the dead klefki thing !)

  16. I know that people use this item in pvp, but the rate at which bosses give this item is crazy. nearly every boss gives this item now, and imagine in 12 days cooldown between bosses I have 156 focus sash just from bosses. so I'm asking for more diversity in prizes. I'm not against focus sash but there is no need to get it from every boss in game. or at least make a more simple way to trade items other than attaching it to pokemons.



    Hello Kurushiimohamed,


    As the staff already announced, boss and rewards are getting revamps, one step after the other.


    Besides, i don't see how having "a lot of an item" could possibly transform as "having too much of an item". On the contrary, if focus sashes were more difficult to have, people will complain about the difficulty to have 6 focus sashes to train any pokemon/beat some bosses/do pvp strats based on.


    As you aren't limited by the storage limit for an item, there won't be any problem by keeping those. And if they really bother you, you could sell them to anyone who wants more focus sashes, because a lot of people are using them :)


    Everything has a solution, as we can think about it. You'll have extra money, and they'll have what they need.


    Allow me to move this topic out from suggestions and put it in General Support as it's not really Suggestion material, and lock it as solved.

  17. So I was looking at pokes to maybe level up and stuff for my team on a website, saw that Clamperl can learn shell smash, got so hyped about having a shell smash huntail

    Could it have shell smash pls? :c


    Hello Tommyola2,


    Allow me to move your topic into General Support section, which it's not really a suggestion matter here, but most of another topic.


    As previous users told you, Shell Smash is unfortunately not yet coded on Clamperl/Huntail. You will need to wait more for the team to add Shell Smash to those Pokemon.


    This settled, i wish you good luck and fun on the game !


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