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Koujaku last won the day on February 28 2018

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  1. Either you guys stick to the first post or dont offer/comment at all. If you don't like the price, just ignore it. It's a warning.
  2. You must tell your friend to appeal in this forum: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/discipline-appeals.37/. The moderator who issued the ban will check it. Debes decirle a tu amigo para que apele en ese lugar: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/discipline-appeals.37/. El moderador que le baneo le respondera.
  3. Restored.
  4. Bienvenido. Recuerda que el Chat Other tambien se utiliza por aquellos que quieren hablar español
  5. Re: WTS Shiny Tyranitar <t>I noticed some offtopic post. They were deleted. Avoid making comments not related to the trade. If you need to ask something, do it in private message or in game.</t>
  6. Re: Shiny_Chansey <t>All offtopic post are deleted. Avoid making comments on other trades, specially if you dont have intention to buy.<br/> <br/> If you dont like something about it, just ignore it. This is a warning.</t>
  7. I do not know where I need to check on the site, it's the first time I use it A mod will post in your appeal soon.
  8. Koujaku


    They do that because there is a lot of Pokémon whose abilities are based on those weathers. Sand Rush (Excadrill), Swift Swim (Kingdra, Ludicolo, Seismitoad, Kabutops) get double Speed if their respective weathers are up (Sandstorm and Rain, respectively). So you can outspeed your opponent and kill opposing Pokemons more faster. Hydration cures any type of status if your on Rain, and more. If you choose one weather or another, I think its for preference. Common staple Pokemons for each are: Sandstorm: Tyranitar, Excadrill, Hippowdon, Tangrowth, etc. Rain: Politoed, Kabutops, Ludicolo, Omastar, etc. If there is rain, you don't get the benefits of your sandstorm. So you have to place it again in order to get the upper hand on your opponent. If your sand setter is dead, then your opponent can have a break and place his own weather. Or just relax, because you will no longer outspeed him.
  9. Re: I need help from the entire PRO community <r><QUOTE author="quanle92" post_id="462012" time="1509539149" user_id="562090"><s> </e></QUOTE> I will enter soon.</r>
  10. Koujaku

    About PVP

    Hi there, welcome back to the game. I dont know if you were here when Dugtrio's ability Arena Trap got added. It allows you to easy dispatch Chansey/Blissey and many other Pokemons. The same with the choice items. I think that stall is not the same problem like it was before having all these new abilities/items. Check in this same forum and you should see a discussion in which people are talking about banning the mighty Choice Band Crawdaunt, which 2KOS most walls.The same with Choice Band Reckless Staraptor. You can play mixed sets of Salamence, Garchomp, Dragonite, Lucario, Infernape, etc. You bring Tangrowth, Ferrothorn, Skarmory? Take this Fire Blast from Salamence. You just have to play smart. Put enough pressure on your opponent, use Hazards (Talonflame loses almost 50% HP at switch on Stealth Rocks). Now they have to either clean that or switch and Roost to recover. If something gets banned cause of no team preview, then the next thing asked to be banned would be Azumarill (which can also be countered by Amoonguss, Tentacruel) or any other Pokemon that means trouble for a team. I dont remember the reasons for Shadow Tag, but it should not be used as example to ban other things. This is my opinion like a player, like you.
  11. Moving topic to proper place.
  12. Moving topic to proper place.
  13. Moved to proper place.
  14. Closed, due to player being suspended.
  15. Re: decent h.a mamo/ epic Bisharp <r><QUOTE author="christianH98" post_id="457120" time="1508567154" user_id="1751899"><s> </e></QUOTE> I merged both of your topics, since you can only have one active thread per subforum.</r>
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