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Everything posted by Apth

  1. -force-opengl and -force-d3d9 doesn't work. I have updated my drivers and DirectX. dxdiag shows I have Directx11 installed. I guess my graphics card isn't just good enough. Thanks anyways.
  2. My old and beaten laptop can't run dx11. I'm not entirely sure if it's because my integrated graphics card can't run/doesn't support it (Dell Intel Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family) or maybe because one of the files got corrupted. I have tried reinstalling it and nothing seems to fix it. So I used to force the game using dx9 instead. But now it doesn't work. Last time I played was Oct 2017, during the Halloween event and the game worked fine on dx9. However I can't force the game to run on dx9 anymore. I'm getting the dx11 errors. The only explanation I can find is that the UnityPlayer.dll is messing things up. I don't think that dll wasn't included in the previous versions so it might have been a new addition. The game doesn't run if I try to delete it. Am I forced to stop playing or is there a workaround?
  3. Apth

    can be closed

    Re: Garchomp Sand veil in pvp <r>So people like quoting Smogon for the rules, but in their rules it even says that Sand Veil and Snow Cloak are banned, at least in Gen 5 and only in OU and below. In Uber battles, anything goes so it is NOT banned.<br/> <URL url="https://www.smogon.com/bw/banlist/">https://www.smogon.com/bw/banlist/</URL><br/> <br/> And I don't think PRO doesn't use tiers and everyone basically just use whatever Pokemons they want so we can't really use Smogon rules all the time. Even PRO's evasion clause is different from Smogon. In here Flash, Mud-Slap etc. are banned while Smogon rules says you can use it.<br/> <br/> There are ways to counter Sand Veil though. You can bring a Drizzle Politoad or a Drought Ninetails. Both of which can replace the Sandstorm. You can even bring your own Sand Veil Garchomp to take advantage of your opponent's Sandstorm. If both of you are 'breaking the rules' then no one is breaking the rules.<br/> <br/> And back to topic. Do I want it banned? No because both Sand Veil and Snow Cloak rely heavily on the weather which can be countered.<br/> <br/> P.S.<br/> Before anyone says they don't want to change their team composition let me say this first. You have to change if you're losing 9/10 games due to Sandstorm + Sand Veil. Your team needs to fit the meta, not the other way around. Now, if you encounter Sandstorm + Sand Veil 1/10 games then it's fine if you don't want to switch team comps. But remember, you're still winning those 9 games. Pokemon is an RNG game so stop complaining when you lose once.<br/> <br/> P.P.S<br/> I haven't seen Gen 6 or even 7 Smogon rules yet, if it even exists.</r>
  4. I know that, but what if the OT not being me bothers me? I already know that it shouldn't matter but I can't help it.
  5. Are there any? I'm okay with people with membership finding specific Pokemon in places no one else would usually find them as long as free players can get the same Pokemon later in the game. Having some Pokemon stuck behind a paywall just doesn't sit well with me and honestly, as someone with a slight OCD, this game might not be for me.
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