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Everything posted by Fafouney

  1. Phanpy sold after 1000 years Ferro sold
  2. Here
  3. omw
  4. Omw
  5. 4M Clawitzer
  6. 3.5m Clawitzer
  7. Armaldo 3m Clawitzer 3m
  8. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/ Do CTRL +F, type 15
  9. 15 min rule applies, read the rules pls 1.5m Armaldo 2m Clawitzer
  10. You need the in game screenshots for the offers to count. If this is true, raise to 800k Armaldo. Also 1.6m Clawitzer
  11. Totodile sold
  12. Yo, I have no Assault vest for selling. Try your luck on the trade chat in game.
  13. I'll start Clawitzer with 1.5m too.
  14. I'll start Armaldo 700k
  15. Last Machop sold, more in the future to come
  16. I can see it now in the first post, ty and gl for your auction
  17. Hey, the picture doesn't display itself .
  18. Oh yeah sorry I was talking about my file where it has 373 listed evolutions + now the 2 that you gave me with Battle Bond Frogadier and Greninja. I totally understood all of that. Ty again Fafouney
  19. Hello ! I indeed bought an Ash-Greninja directly 2 years ago and totally forgot about that crucial detail... So with that the total would be 375 evos with the 373 of my file. I guess i'm not gonna annoy you any further with 1 missing evo on it. Thank you very much for having saved my life ! Regards Fafouney
  20. Hello, To make it short, I'm missing 2 evos for my Main and 1 that I don't know for sure for my Fafouney2D alt. 376 Evos is the maximum you can get. For my Main : I've checked 2 times my whole pokedex with the stars, couldn't find anything. I've checked 1 time before making this request with a friend having 376 evos every line of 4 Pokemon, I had all stars. I've even created a file for my main and alt with the whole pokedex and I was filling it with a V each time there was a star or when I made evolved Pokemon you cannot see such as Alolans. Could you tell me the 2 evos I'm missing ? For my Alt : Could you tell me if I'm missing Raticate-Alolan evo data ? If not, which one I'm missing ? I already know I'm missing the evo data of Lycanroc and Palossand. My file : Dex tracker PRO edited Fafouney.ods I hope you can save me from my misery, I honestly don't know where to find the last 2 ! Regards Fafouney
  21. Yop, you need to wait for the Christmas Event around December. It's an exclusive item to that Event that will be in this Icon at the top right of your screen. It will cost 100 Coins to get it, so 1 Coin Capsule that you can get from players (380-400k) and save while waiting for Xmas. Cheers.
  22. Fire: Chimchar Water: Froakie Grass: Snivy
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