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  1. IGN: Formalpeanut Discord Tag: Iegs#7456 Server: Silver Story: Wacky Adventures with Mimikyu! I creep around my snoring Pokémon, silent but restless. Beads of sweat gently rolled off my temples. Mimikyu was a light sleeper, rarely would anyone be able to walk past the fairy without startling him. I had decided a long time ago that I wanted to see Mimikyu – how he truly was. He’d always hide beneath the drapes of a makeshift Pikachu costume, perpetually bashful, and maybe a bit fearful of allowing anyone to peek underneath. Even now, he guards his form in his sleep. Luckily for me, I’ve long learnt the clever tricks that I would need to sneak past a master of the darkness. Whenever I would ask him to show his true self to me, he would shy away, clutching his leathery coat tightly around himself. He was embarrassed. What might he be thinking? That he was ugly? That it would drive me away? It was a bit silly. We’ve been together for so long now. I can’t imagine life without him. There’s no way something like physical appearance could ever drive us apart. But no matter what, he’d always insist that we’re better off with layers of disguise between us. It nearly brings me to tears, sometimes – that he would think so little of me. But I could understand. Everyone just wants to be loved. It was worth hiding away forever if anything could ever threaten the love that others might hold for us. I just needed to show him that my love for him is here to stay. If he wasn’t willing to see for himself, then I’d just need to make it clear on my own terms. Slowly, I scuttle around in front of him. His eyes are still closed, and his breathing even. I gently grasp the bottom of his pale outfit between my thumb and my index finger. He shifts a bit, but fortune is on my side. He doesn’t stir. With some trepidation, I finally lift the drapes. Mimikyu jolts awake. We lock eyes for a moment. Suddenly, his begin to slide away. Away and away they go, burrowing under my view, becoming little more than twinkles. I try to reach out for them. My arms stretch forwards, reaching and reaching. My legs follow after me, as I fall forwards, and down. The twinkles shine and sparkle, inviting me to look further, to take in all that’s around me. But I can’t. I was confused, I couldn’t see. I could see. I don’t understand what I see. Where was Mimikyu? Why did he run away? Was he safe? My worries tried to push out the visual stimuli. My head swam. It was swimming. Something was swimming in my head. A little pustule. Diving around in the grey matter. Pushing up nerves. Leaving pins and needles in its wake. It rode along, leaving my cerebellum ringing like a bell as it was struck, once, twice, three times. I looked down. I saw my eyes, dilated and pulsing. The pressure grew, and the little swimming Thing. It was expanding. It is expanding. The pressure was growing. It grows behind my eyes, poking a needle into the backs of my pupils. It breaks through, and my eyes and mouth fall open in wordless screams. A nail slides out, leaving behind a soft screech as it rubs against my retinas. It keeps sliding. It grows longer and longer, a skewer expanding forwards and pricking the soles of my feet. Why was this happening to me? Was it Mimikyu? Who is Mimikyu? The screech reverberates, echoing infinitely. A stylus scrapes on a vinyl record. A fingernail scrapes against the asphalt. I looked down. I saw a pair of eyes, punctured and raw. It tastes like graphite. Something is in my mouth. It’s a mouth. Teeth clack together. Teeth grind together. Teeth grow between teeth. Teeth fall out of a mouth into a mouth. Mimikyu. That’s what’s happening. Hate Mimikyu. Hurts. Hate hurts hate. Hurts hurts hurts. Where’s everything going? Twinkling in the distance. Swimming in a head. Swimming behind eyes. Poking eyes. Poking feet. Poking ears. Poking and swimming. I looked down. I saw a stranger’s eyes, devoid of intelligence. I? Where is this. I look up. I can’t breathe. A fiery pain rages in my chest. It feels as though all the blood in my body had slowed to a halt. I look around frantically. I see Mimikyu running away. I catch a glance of twinkling tears as I expire.
  2. Whew, first time trying to paint digitally and it took a really long time. The filesize was actually too big to be uploaded. Uncropped version here: i.imgur.com/I15hlx6.jpg Sketch: Absolute nightmare trying to sort through the layers. I worked on each section of the landscape individually as I went. Please PM me if more process pics are needed. IGN: FormalPeanut Server: Blue
  3. IGN : FormalPeanut Answer 1 : Azelf Answer 2 : The Triforce from The Legend of Zelda
  4. hello yes i exist
  5. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Psshh, Blue server's where it's at!</t>
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