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About Rosinanteimmort

  • Birthday 08/25/1996

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Rosinanteimmort's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Hello - my in-game name is Rosinanteimmort. - my discord is RosinanteDxt. - I'm Vietnamese. I was born in 1996. I'm currently a veterinary teacher at a college. - I currently have 2540 hours of playtime. - Yes. I know Ctien130609 and Mingrgenpro. They are from the same country as me. - Yes. I used to join GOAT. - Of course I'm looking forward to joining the Guild. - My purpose when joining is to go Dungeon. and hunt shadow. - I also play LOL and FTF. - I really like Arcanine. because I like dogs. it's the first generation pokemon. so as soon as I saw the anime. I liked it right away. - I will diligently go Dungeon. And I can contribute some PVP points (even though I'm not good at PVP) - I like rain team. and I also have a team like that for PVP. - Finally. I hope to join everyone. Thanks.
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