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  1. I moved your pokemons to the last place of your box, mind taking a look to confirm? Thanks shammy
  2. Hello, I accidentally released my ev trained clefairy and would like to see if you could possibly restore her for me. I will link a screenshot providing the information you requested, this was the blue server. Thank you.
  3. Thank you very much, I heard about the quest line in steel just nothing on trainers valley and most searches on the topic bring bug report topics of not being able to get there rather than any list of objectives or reasons to go there in general.
  4. I'm just curious if there is something to do in either location, maybe a quest or general point to go to either location?
  5. Thank you :)!
  6. Howdy Pro, So I've been attempting to research a little more about the moon area provided through hoenn and generally cannot find much about what exactly can be found there as far as pokemon, rares specifically. Obviously I could go there and hunt and figure it out for myself but with the 15k price tag and the hours it could potentionally take to figure this out just to have to turn around and grab the syncs required and such I figured this might be quicker and more thorough. So I suppose my overall question is what rare Pokemon could be found and what are the syncs that I should bring
  7. Much wow, give please (:. Shared multiple social feeds, thanks for the chance to win!
  8. Welcome aboard! Enjoy your stay and good luck (:
  9. Traveling between johto and kanto today when I came across this random pokemon icon of what looks like weepinbell or victreebell lol. I relogged and it was still there. More funny than anything but I don't know if you want to fix it or if there's a reason for it to be there. Thanks Pro team.
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