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  1. I realized what the owner of the topic wanted to say, my 2 first phrases was for this. The rest is just a possible implication of the suggestion. Again sorry for my english :Frown:
  2. Yep, my bad in that i wanted to say comunity made pokeballs and not personalized pokeballs like the one's in the diamonds/Pearls versions of the game.
  3. I like the pokeball simple animation, so much that i try to caugth every poke i met with one. Even if it shouldn't be a priority it wouldn't be bad to have it introduced. And it can even led to "personalized" pokeballs or event only pokeballs with a price around it (caught rate should be changed acordingly ). Sorry for my english
  4. I got growlithe and i had charmander so :Cry:
  5. First question: It happens for most people these days, just wait it's a beta. Second question: Already asked in the forum and the answer was NO.
  6. PRO Username: Laplace Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? Was in cinnabar. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Connect? Description and Message Does the server crash? If yes sorry for this useless thread. If not can i ask why did i get kicked out? Did i do something wrong? Edit: Looks like the server crashed. Pls ignore this and let a modo close it. Sorry and Thanks.
  7. Ok sorry about that it's not pay2play. It's still just my opinion, and i still would like answers for the other question. Or i can make a thread for it. Thanks again :y:
  8. Yes that's not pay2win that's just pay2play. That's diferent but it's end the same way, taking content out for other players. But well the fact you change it or not is for you guys to decide but well since sevii islands are members only area does the Battle area introduced in emerauld is going to be the same way? Is every "new" area introduced in reworks of the old poke games going to be members only? The same for personalized region made by the PRO mapers? Thanks for the answers.
  9. Well no, as i said i don't care if they get bonusses like more exp, more pokes or specifics locations in safari, it's just that the sevii island have a story, they where introduced in the Red/Green version of pokemon in GBA and they where accessible after a requirement->beating the e4. Sure this mmo don't have to take all the things poke games have introduced since this is an mmo ( like the rods that you have to pay) but not letting non members get in the sevii islands just because they didn't donate? I'm sorry but i think it's unfair. Sure if it was something like " For now Sevii Islands are in preparations and we are waiting that everything is complete before letting everyone in. Condition for entering the Sevii islands will after that be modified: Members: Beat e4 kanto (no changes); Non-Members: Beat e4 kanto and Jhoto + something like beating Red or doing a quest;" Something like that is Ok, it just means that non-members need to wait to go or buy membership to get there sooner. And as you said you can buy memberships from players but that isn't donating and it doesn't make them "awesome". You guys are doing a really great work and this game is awesome just don't start creating big (and the sevii islands ARE bigs) restricted areas for memberships only. So they weren't essential in the storyline of the Red/Green version of the GBA game? Sure it's not like it's the place where legendary pokemons appears, the birthplace of one of the elite four of kanto... Pls sevii islands have an interesting storyline and you guys know about this since you got the work to recreate it in your game. PS: Sorry for my english.
  10. What i don't like in PRO? Restricted area for memberships. I don't care if they have a special zone in the safari, more pokes in most of the area and the exp boost. But! I reallly hate the fact that you can't access to some really big areas just because you don't have membership, like sevii island (from what i heard)... :n:
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