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Everything posted by Lucasmc

  1. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 22/09/17 - Letrix/Prof. Rowan added - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄ <t>Hi bro, update, 9oomy and Gouseru now is Shary and Shaui<br/> <br/> these are the attacks that I have been able to see and how their pokemon were located<br/> <br/> <br/> #Shary<br/> Thundurus - Dark Pulse, Focus Blast<br/> M. Lopunny - Return, High Jump Kick, Fire Punch, <br/> Meloetta - Focus Blast, Hyper Voice, <br/> Latias - Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, <br/> Jolteon - Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, <br/> M. Audino - Fire Blast, Dazzling Gleam, <br/> <br/> <br/> #Shaui<br/> M. Garchomp - Outrage, Fire Fang.<br/> Quagsire - Scald.<br/> flygon - Outrage.<br/> cobalion - Iron Head, Giga Impact.<br/> luxray - Wild Charge, Fire Fang, Superpower, Ice Fang.<br/> hydreigon - Draco Meteor, Fire Blast</t>
  2. Hola, enviame un mensaje privado en el juego /pm mistyco-=-lucasmc Si publicas en el foro, escribe en ingles, ya que la mayoría entiende mas en ese idioma.
  3. IGN: LucasMC Answer 1: Azelf Answer 2: Triforce from The Legend of Zelda
  4. I no longer need the UpGrade, someone else sold it to me, thanks alike
  5. Yes I still do pm me when you're online. (If I an not online send me a message here) Ready for the deal? If you are, tell me the place and I'm going to complete the deal
  6. Sorry, but you still have to sell the "Upgrade"? If so, I'm interested.
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