Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 22/09/17 - Letrix/Prof. Rowan added - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄
<t>Hi bro, update, 9oomy and Gouseru now is Shary and Shaui<br/>
these are the attacks that I have been able to see and how their pokemon were located<br/>
Thundurus - Dark Pulse, Focus Blast<br/>
M. Lopunny - Return, High Jump Kick, Fire Punch, <br/>
Meloetta - Focus Blast, Hyper Voice, <br/>
Latias - Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, <br/>
Jolteon - Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, <br/>
M. Audino - Fire Blast, Dazzling Gleam, <br/>
M. Garchomp - Outrage, Fire Fang.<br/>
Quagsire - Scald.<br/>
flygon - Outrage.<br/>
cobalion - Iron Head, Giga Impact.<br/>
luxray - Wild Charge, Fire Fang, Superpower, Ice Fang.<br/>
hydreigon - Draco Meteor, Fire Blast</t>