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Everything posted by Noobify2003

  1. hello i want to participate in the server test pm me on discord Optimaal#6876 thnx
  2. Current username noobify2003 New username Optimaal
  3. Shinys(gengar golduck pidgeot ariados kingdra) easter(exeggutor azumarill) clone venusaur xmas(glalie ampharos) to contact me this is my discord Optimaal#6876
  4. Sry player this auction is already ended by selling it for 1.2m
  5. Scolopede ada h.a auction c.o375k by karlosj07 insta 5m time 12h
  6. How i can merge from gold server to silver server what are the condition of merge
  7. Noobify2003 gold server discord Optimaal#6876
  8. Player noobify2003(gold server) Discord Optimaal#6876
  9. Player noobify2003 Discord Optimaal#6876
  10. Noobify2003(gold server) Optimaal#6876
  11. Noobify2003(gold server) Discord Optimaal#6876
  12. Playrer noobify2003(gold server) Discord Optimaal#6876
  13. Discord Optimaal#6876 Player noobify2003(gold server)
  14. Discord Optimaal#6876 noobify2003(gold)
  15. He Pls i want to Know when thïs service Will be activated It exist à player with thé name Optimaal Thnx
  16. Current username noobify2003 New username optimaal Pls if u can do thïs change Tell me before Thnx
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