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About Skyseraphim

  • Birthday 03/13/1997

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: Villidan's Pokeshop(updated h.a greninja and 10 other pokemons 10th August) <t>I offer 700k for greninja protean naive</t>
  2. PRO hoodie I would say. :Crazy:
  3. Unfortunately we don't have any other solution but to manually reboot the server. We only know that it's server sided, as you're still logged in on the map server. You're getting recognized twice, hence why you can't login. Thank you for the reply. :Smile: I will just wait for the next reboot. I can wait. Thanks again Qhinn. :Smile:
  4. Ahh.. Thank you. I'll just wait then.. Thanks for the link too.. :Grin:
  5. 2 Hours have passed and I'm still experiencing this problem.. "User Already Logged In." I just want to know if there will be a reboot since whenever someone is reporting about this, the staffs say that the players who reported a problem like mine have to wait for server reboot. I haven't experienced a reboot for the past days that's why I'm worried that I won't be able to play until it the server has been reboot - which is I don't know if there will be one soon. If there is another solution for this, I would be glad to hear it and try it. Thanks in Advance. :Grin:
  6. I got thunderbolt tm (TM24) yesterday. Sorry I have no screenshot. I didn't know someone will make a guide about this. :Crazy:
  7. I agree to this suggestion. I also thought of this sometimes in game then say: "I would make a suggestion on forums about some sort of Note in the game". But I always forgot after several hours. Most of the time, I thought of this idea so I could write down/check the number of bosses in every region. Or whenever I missed a daily quest in that day then realize it the next day. Or whenever I'm selling lots of items and having an auction for Pokémon at the same time/day, I still have to "Alt+Tab" to copy from my Notepad then paste it in chat. :Smile:
  8. It needs max happiness and a fairy move and then when you level it on love island it will evolve. It doesn't need max happiness and a fairy move just to evolve into Sylveon at love island. You only need to level up. I evolve an eevee there to sylveon when I was collecting evolution data for Legendary Quest.
  9. the "it's completely ineffective" appeared because you may have faced a Tentacool/Tentacruel with Clear Body ability. Wherein clear body don't allow the poke to have stat reduction due to abilities like intimidate and secondary effects of moves. ;) :Smile:
  10. You can't. There's 50 slots on your list. If you have more than 50 some will start to vanish. (Those who got deleted by you, most likely.) Your issue will remain as long as you can't fill it completely. I also have the same issue of seeing other players online whom I already removed from my friends list. I removed them knowing that they are not active anymore or haven't logged in for a week(s). I only have few friends on my list and it never reached to 50 when I deleted some. Now, I only have, hmmm not sure how many it is, but my list of friends is you don't have to scroll down the friends list. I remember those names popping out when they go online because I know I deleted them in my list long time ago. And if I may add. My friend also have a bug in my friend's Friend list. I'm not in my friend's list, but my friend is in my list. We tried unfriending and sending friend request multiple times but this still happens. I asked my friend if the friends list is maybe full or too many but my friend said that it is not, my friend added that only few players are also in the list. *note: sorry for adding my same issue here. I was thinking that I should not make a topic similar to this that's why I just replied here.
  11. Maintenance.. They said it won't be too long though. So have a bit of patience. :Grin:
  12. No problem. I'm glad I could help. :Grin: I hope you could recover your account. :Angel:
  13. Unfortunately they made an "Account Deletion" process to clear those inactive players. I search for your name. And it was there. You can also appeal to the link in the topic below. Here is the Topic. Here is the list too.
  14. There are always 2 Move Relearner in every region. Just like what windypuff said. It's more convenient for most players especially those in a rush, lazy, or when the players are at the same place where the relearner is when they need it immediately.
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