Re: Chronos ( Top 1 PvP guild in Red Server )
<t>1. Tell us about yourself!<br/>
Hi, im Paulo and i study information system management in minho's University, i like to eat potatoes :3<br/>
2. What is your nickname in PRO? What server you're playing at? (Red/ Blue)<br/>
Antipotato, red server.<br/>
3. How many hours of game play do you have (check your trainer card)? How many badges do you have?<br/>
Well i had 580h in yellow server then 5 days ago i started in the red server ... here i only have 96h<br/>
4. How old are you? Where do you come from?<br/>
I'm 20 and i'm from Portugal<br/>
5. What is your ambition/ final objective in PRO?<br/>
For now i wanted to get some epic pvps poke but in the future i want to be a shiny hunter.<br/>
6. Why should we accept you into the Guild?<br/>
I'm a positive guy, i tried to help everytime i can.<br/>
7. Have you been in the guild before or maybe you in the guild right now? and tell us the reason that you left.<br/>
i was in the yellow server but i left cuz i left the server.<br/>
8. What is your favorite Pokemon? Why?<br/>
Glaceon cuz he/she is magestic as hell :3<br/>
9. Are you able to visit our Discord Group?<br/>
10. Are you able to follow PRO Rules and Guild Rules?<br/>