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Everything posted by Taipouz

  1. Re: TaipOuz Shop : *NEW GOD GARDEVOIR* Epic / Lvl 100 / PvP / Rare <t>8 hour from now<br/> <br/> Maybe i will put the end time in 6 hour</t>
  2. Re: TaipOuz Shop : *NEW GOD GARDEVOIR* Epic / Lvl 100 / PvP / Rare <r><QUOTE author="leolawliet"><s> </e></QUOTE> U lead, and the end time :<br/> Today UTC - 10 PM</r>
  3. Re: TaipOuz Shop : *NEW GOD GARDEVOIR* Epic / Lvl 100 / PvP / Rare <r>Up :<br/> Krookodile sold to Crowtele13 <E>:thanks:</E> <br/> <IMG src="https://puu.sh/mpcEx/07684f704d.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Spark u win the swinub, but im lfm with gliscor sorry. Pm ingame</r>
  4. Re: TaipOuz Shop : *NEW GOD GARDEVOIR* Epic / Lvl 100 / PvP / Rare <r>Espeon sold to 6beria <E>:thanks:</E> <br/> <IMG src="https://puu.sh/mofY5/cca53dd92e.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  5. Re: TaipOuz Shop : *NEW GOD GARDEVOIR* Epic / Lvl 100 / PvP / Rare <t>Update :<br/> -New pokemon : Gardevoir / Espeon / Krookodile<br/> -Price<br/> -Sold out</t>
  6. Re: TaipOuz Shop : Epic / Lvl 100 / PvP / Rare <r>Salamence sold IG 250K to Hitsu02 <E>:thanks:</E> <br/> <IMG src="https://puu.sh/mnDML/0a256d193e.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  7. Re: Epic pokemon for PvP <t>Weavile 150k</t>
  8. Re: TaipOuz Shop : Epic / Lvl 100 / PvP / Rare <t>Update :<br/> -Price<br/> -New pokemon<br/> -sold</t>
  9. Re: TaipOuz Shop : Epic / Lvl 100 / PvP / Rare <r>sold Weavile 270K <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> <IMG src="https://puu.sh/mmd2E/ae06305254.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  10. Re: TaipOuz Shop : Epic / Lvl 100 / PvP / Rare <r><B><s></s>Machamp sold and just added Scyzor !<e></e></B><br/> Thank you <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  11. Feel free ton contact me ingame (Username : Taipouz). U can make an offer if u think the price is expensive. Pokemon are sold without items SOLD OUT ATM
  12. Hello guys, i'm looking for : -Swinub with good IV in general (especialy ATK / SPD) with hidden ability (thick fat) and 'Jolly' -Feebas with good IV in general (especialy SPDEF / HP) with Oblivious ability and 'calm' or 'bold' -Drillbur with good IV in general (especialy ATK / SPD) Adamant + Sand Rush or Jolly + Mold Breaker. Please PM in game : taipouz Or post ur screenshot here with ur IG Name Thank you
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