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Everything posted by Immimo

  1. 50k shiny and bells pink 100k
  2. sold sentret xmas x2 and shiny
  3. sold kabuto hypno exeggutor and poliwhirl
  4. and thxs for the coment bro <3
  5. shiny marill 100k azumarill 100k fartfetch 200k
  6. Three days of auction will end on 15/02/2019 at 8 at night EUW Troll offer = report The auction starts in 500k b.o Belladona 1,4m Insta price 2m CC=300k
  7. 100k each valentine 1m each shiny and whismur 150k
  8. sold pink pidgey and ditto shiny
  9. sold ponyta and kecleon shiny
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