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  2. Immimo


    this in my account
  3. Immimo


    Well in the video I show you what happens many times in what I have to play I go from vermilion taking the boat and when I walk there is a route of wild pokemons and supposedly I am in a fight but I do not get anything and then the game breaks it does not leave me or give a bag or move Then the funny thing is that I lose for example 30k out of nowhere if we add the boats It also happens to me on other routes such as pink island, cerulean cave, mt.silver and vulcan island
  4. okay srry i dont know the price <3
  5. te compro el caterpie aceptas 60k?
  6. estaba mi novia mandame otravez oferta
  7. te compro el watchog
  8. Sold in game for 1,5m srry
  9. message private
  10. 1,3m or no sell
  11. a
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