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  1. bump
  2. about 17 hours, ends at 12:47pm -7gmt
  3. i dont take cc
  4. bump
  5. rerolls=700k 2 day auction start 1.5m min bid 100k insta 8m
  6. @Blaggy1212 i can trade serp whenever
  7. no 1.5m
  8. @Jusjeet I would do 1.5m
  9. @Jusjeet sorry i dont think i would want to sell it for that price
  10. starmie is insta so if you want to meet in verm ill be there @Blaggy1212
  11. rerolls 720k all auctions end in 2 days after start all prices that aren't for auction are negotiable Enjoy! 2m start 10m insta, min raise 100k 1.5m 1m 1.2m
  12. sold 10m i can meet verm
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