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Everything posted by Varaphael

  1. Evasion and Accuracy Raising/Reduction moves are NOT working currently is my understanding (not coded). So moves like Double Team, Minimize, Sand Attack, Flash, Coil (supposed to raise Accuracy along with Attack/Defense), and the Compound Eyes Ability (in battle effect raising accuracy), etc. they all currently do nothing as it relates to accuracy/evasion. Perhaps a mod can confirm or refute and clear this up just in case, but that is my understanding of Accuracy/Evasion moves currently.
  2. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [Ferroseed !!] ✰ <t>I can confirm that Sudowoodo are now available in headbutt trees on route 36.</t>
  3. Sheer Force is not coded yet (it's on the PvP list of non coded, you can check that list to see most of the things that aren't coded yet).
  4. Didn't think about the botting thing for number 1, that's a good point.
  5. My favorite mega is Mega-Lopunny and I would have never thought it would have been.
  6. So let me make a quick suggestion based on what Zero posted. (These are just ideas, don't care one way or another if they were actually implimented). 1. Suction Cups - I don't see any reason why this ability couldn't have the out of battle effect or something similar. (Maybe it has something to do with how fishing is coded in general so I don't know) The out of battle effect could be something as simple as "Fishing with the Super Rod makes fishing 100% successful". So you use your Super Rod, and always get an encounter on the rod rather than spamming the hotkey to fish over and over. I don't see any reason why this can't be implimented as having a suction cups pokemon out front means you cannot Sync for the pokemon you are fishing for and doesn't give you any tangible benefit other than a small amount of time saving. So this is really a eh whatever kind of thing. 2. Amulet Coin - This is a hot button issue with a lot of people, and I think I have a way to have this thing be of use, but I don't know. You could allow the amulet coin to set a "floor" for all money gained facing wild pokemon. So every pokemon you face in the wild would be guaranteed to drop at least X amount of poke. You don't increase the amount of poke gained, this would just reduce the number of times you get a very low poke reward. The floor could be as low as you like. Example: With amulet coin equipped every wild pokemon battle gives out no less than 25 poke. (the 25 can be set to however low/high the devs think would be reaosnable without giving too much a benefit) This idea can also be extended to the move "Payday". I don't know those are 2 ideas that came to my head while reading this a little bit.
  7. SuHu is absolutely right if you are planning on going into the PvP realm. It may take you a very long time to find a viable pokemon for PvP stat wise do be mindful of that. I do have a tip for people that look to other sites for setups... please be mindful when you see things that suggest you train in speed as one of your stats (especially those setups that give you a very specific number of speed EVs to train), these setups assume a 31 speed IV to be in the appropriate "speed tier" so they can outspeed certain things. In PRO it is not as easy to control IVs and having lower than a 31 speed IV can really throw off movesets designed for certain PvP roles. This also extends to setups for defensive EV spreads as well if you don't have 31 in HP and 31 in Def or SD you cannot fill the role suggested by that setup because it may not survive the hit the setup was intended to have you survive. Long story short, if you are using and trying to get "competitive" setups know that sometimes it requires and assumes certain things that you might not be able to fully control in PRO. And that it may take a good while to find EXACTLY what you are looking for. Happy Hunting.
  8. I also like the idea of 1 as it relates to 3. Being able to earn a title like Juggler, Ace Trainer, Bug Catcher, etc. would be a nice addition to the game as mini quests that would extend the life of the game past just collecting badges and beating the E4. Perhaps these titles could even be more than just a title (but that would be the choice of the game designers) and provide small boosts. You could unlock many different titles and have a "Title Master" NPC that allows you to equip one title at a time. Examples: Bug Catcher - Guarantees every bug caught has at least 1 IV of 31. Ace Trainer - Wild Pokemon fainted above level 50 give out no less than 150 poke upon defeating. Juggler - Pokemon gain a slight extra XP boost if they are switched out of battle. (Better switch training slightly) The above examples are probably way too much a bonus, but you get the idea. Make the achievement actually give a title which has a small tangible bonus. You can make the quests fairly long to make the reward proportionate to what it does. However I still like the idea of achievements/titles even if they don't give any bonus at all other than gaining the achievement/title.
  9. Yeah there is a difference if you want to talk PvP vs just PvE and you would need to adjust criteria for that if you are looking for a PvP pokemon.
  10. I would say what Piwali said is about spot on on what "epic" SHOULD be. You need to have 20s across the board IVs at minimum and then your 1 or 2 "Main Stats" Need to be 31 or very close to 31 with the proper nature and ability. The Azumarill shown is a great example of what "epic" should be. - Correct Ability (Huge Power for Azumarill, check) - Correct Nature (Adamant, check) - All IVs above 20 (check) - IV of the "Main Stat" (In the case of Azumarill Attack) nearly 31 (check) If these 4 things check out it most certainly in my eyes is "epic". Too many people are just throwing the word around trying to sell their pokemon. Don't get me wrong a lot of the people trying to sell them mean well and they are selling/trading very good pokemon, but they aren't "epic". That's just my opinion on the issue.
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