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Xelore's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Xelore 2. Number of hours played? 308H 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? A lotta love for all Gen 1, grew up with it :D 4. What country are you from? Prefer not to say, GMT +2 5. How old are you? 21
  2. Heyyo! Got some free time on my hands lately, noticed PRO deep in my bookmark folder. Just curious, is there anything fun to do having essentially completed the game? I'm on SIlver, with all gyms completed, 10's of leveled and trained Pokemon, and all that. I remember losing interest way back, so, just looking to perhaps hear some motivational stuff from the community. Any events going on? Is there anything to do besides PvP (having completed all the general content)? Thanks in advance, and happy playing, everyone! EDIT: I recall attempting to come back in late 2018, but wasn't feeling it, sadly. Hoping this time will be different :P
  3. Hello! I used to play quite a while ago, feel like tryin' to pick up the game again, though not sure what is there to do. I've completed all of the gyms, got a bunch of Pokemon leveled and stuff. I'm not into PvP, is there anything else I can spend my time doing? :P Also, looking to join an active, English speaking guild ^_^ ~ Xelore
  4. 1. Xelore 2. Oh, jeez. 20. 3. Just chilling, catching some random cool looking Pokemon, training 'em. Kind of a newb when it comes to PvP but I'll probably do it from time to time. 4. Just to have fun, really. I just like to chill, listen to music and hunt some pokes. 5. Why Paradox? Well, I came back to PRO recently and I'm just looking for a chill place to settle. I've heard of some of the players on YouTube or here on the Forums and they seem like nice peeps. 6. I use Discord on the daily, open to voice chat aswell.
  5. "Many suggest Impish Contrary". How many times do I have to repeat this? Do a little research on this place called Google or just check out Smogon. This may come as a surpriae, but Sturdy Shuckle is (and I can not stress this enough) BY FAR the most used ability. Sturdy Shuckle is the best because it's a reliable entry hazard setup. Try to not be so arrogant and just do a quick Google search on how to play a Shuckle in Gen 6. You're clearly arguing without having done any research.
  6. So many kiddos thinking Contrary Shuckle is the best ability, lol. Clearly don't know a single thing about PvP. Do a quick Google search and see what 99% of players suggest on a Shuckle. Please don't spew random trashtalk if you don't know what you're talking about. Even heard dumb trashtalk like ''Shuckle is a physical attacker'' in-game. It has a base Attack stat of 10. If you think Contrary Shuckle is playable at all, then I don't know which world you're living in.
  7. Re: Xelore's Shop <r>Leave your offers here, <MENTION><s>[mention]</s>nicman1234<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> . None of the Pokemon have set prices that they're being sold for.</r>
  8. Re: Xelore's Shop <t>Bump It Up! Leave an offer here!</t>
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