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Posts posted by Shagun5750

  1. Name: Poke-mart Discount coupons - 10% and 20%


    One-Time-Use discount coupons that can be used in pokemarts to avail a certain amount of discount on the total sum. 
    For Example, you have 20% Discount coupon, you visit Celedon Mart and talk to the guy who sells repels. You buy a lot of repels in bulk and click buy. Now if the user is having a discount coupon, a confirmation dialog should appear right after clicking the "buy" button informing the user and asking him if he wish to apply the '20% discount coupon!'.

    If replied yes, then you simply apply the 20% discount and complete the purchase, if replied no, then you continue the purchase without any discount. Notify the user about the amount discounted.

    In-case, i don't recommend but if you think 10% or 20% discount can be too much on big bulk purchases, you can add a minimum or maximum limit on the amount of pokedollars that can be discounted. 

    But i don't think its too much. That's why I didn't add more than 20%. 


    How to obtain:

    Idk about that. 

    Maybe bug contest? or as an additional reward for fighting npcs or bosses? 
    completely upto the team. 

  2. Hello Guys, This is my first auction. I have given the rules a thorough read. 

    Why should I buy this Komala?

    • Correct Nature
    • Epic Stats
    • Tier 8
    • Only Spawns in Valentine Event maps
    • No Repel Trick for easy hunt. 
    • But Most Important, She is cute < 3 




    • Pokemon being auctioned: Komala
    • Starting price : 500 K
    • Ending point: 48 Hours when starting price is met.
    • No Insta.
    • Available payments: Poke dollars ONLY. 
    • Minimum raise: 100 K
    • Selling from: Gold

      I wouldn't mind transferring my server to silver if the auction winner is from silver.
      Auction Time (48hrs) will start only when Starting price (500k) is met.

      Bid here or in gold server, Account Name - Shagun5750, if I am online. 
  3. Hey there,


    I have won and ranked number 1 on bcc consecutively for 5 days now (maybe 4) but i am very sure its 5 but anyways we need only 3 to get the stone. However in my case i have not received it yet.


    I have the mega bracelet and i already have the gallade mega stone.


    is there something i am missing or something wrong with my account?


    Please help.




    IGN- Shagun5750

    Server- Gold

  4. Hi @shagun5750


    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    Could you please try to follow the here below procedure and tell me if it solves your issue:

    • Delete/Unistall the old client of PRO and delete all the remaining files
    • Download the latest client from PRO WEBSITE DOWNLOAD
    • Add an exception to PRO into your antivirus and firewall and try to run the game

    Do note that sometimes a restart of your device may be required in order to delete/install the application.


    Looking forward to your reply, have a wonderful day!

    so you just read the title and copy-pasted it here without reading what I wrote in there. Great. I CANT redownload the game. Is there no solution to this problem other than that ??


    Anyways for now I have redownloaded and its working as expected but please fix it.

    • Like 1
  5. I m just tired and frustrated of redownloading the game again and again whenever an update comes out. Last time this patcher got stuck somewhere in the middle and waited for an entire night! I slept and When I woke up it was still stuck. I tried 3 times but the patcher just dont move. and then I had to redownload the entire game again in the hope that maybe next time I wont have to redownload it again But no , I was wrong.

    This time in the first try it got stuck .... manually closed the patcher and tried all again and second time it gave me this error -



    I cant and I wont redownload the entire game file again. I download episodes of my fav anime everyday and I cant miss on it.

    I have pokes of other players in my account who want them back and I wont redownload the entire game just to return them. Ban me or do whatever you feel for not returning the pokes. I am really angry and I dont care anymore. I wanna hunt easter pokes cmon..

    Please help me.

    • Like 1
  6. People complaining about stall all the time although it's almost nonexistent ever since the merge and especially with the addition of manaphy. If you're bothered about a particular playstyle, change the type of team you play instead of stubbornly using it over and over again despite it having many flaws in the current meta.

    The move and ability you requested will be coded (and you're most likely aware of that), but not before, then along with all the other that will be once they add the new battle ui

    There is a difference between a complain and a suggestion. I suggest you to know the difference before complaining about others being complaining. And Even if she is complaining I see nothing wrong in it. She has that right my dear.

  7. Welcome to My suggestion Thread. I tried my best to make it simple and well organised.


    Q1. Why Do we need a better UI for Storage PC ?

    Ans: 1. There is no harm in improving things if they can be made better.

    2. My pokemon storage is a mess and If I log back after a long time , It takes me long to find my pokes. With this New UI , The storage will become well organised.


    Q2. Enough talking ..whats the suggestion for the storage PC ?

    Ans: Well Let me Introduce you to the Categories! (or tabs or whatever , dont mind vocabulary ..it can be changed later)


    In This new UI , the user will be able to create as many categories he wants and can transfer/put his pokemons in their respective category's.

    For example , I can create a "PVP" category and put all my pvp pokes into that category. So now I do not have to go through all the slides if my Storage is really messed up...

    similar can be done for "Sync" category and I will put all my sync's at one place and getting access to them in one click!


    But first let me Explain in brief what I mean by a category.

    ----> lets take this "PVP" category as an Example. so once I made this PVP category , A tab will be created (check Image below). When I click on this "PVP" tab , all my pokemons will disappear and it will look something like as if I deleted all my pokes but I havent. This "PVP" category is empty because we have not categorized any pokemon into this category yet. Once we do , and then we click on the "PVP" tab , we will ONLY SEE those pokemons which we have categorized in that category. All other pokemons will be safe of course.


    Note : The number of category's a user can create can be fixed instead of infinite...depending if it creates too much load on the databases.


    Here I made this UI in paint :p .. artists can definitely make a better design..



    Q3. One pokemon can be put in Multiple categories ?

    Ans: Its debatable but for now I will say No.


    Q4. Have You thought of any way's on how we will put pokemons in category's once we made one ?

    Ans: Yes. I have 2 plans for it.


    Method 1 : DRAG AND DROP.

    When The user will open the PC , by default , no category will be selected **OR** by default there will be an "ALL" Category which will be selected when user opens the PC.

    This "ALL" category , as the name suggests, will have All pokemons in it Which are not categorized yet (by default) . Once a pokemon get a category other than All , it will move into that category and will get removed from the "ALL" category. -- This will be a good way through which we can check which of our pokes are not categorized yet.


    Note : New Pokemons caught or obtained will move to the "All" category. when the user party is full.


    From "All" Category To a NEW Category.

    ---> 1. First the user will drag the pokemon to his party.

    2. Then he will click on the category he wants to put it in.

    3. Drop the pokemon from the party to the category.

    4. Done

    From One category (other than "All") To another Category.

    ---> 1. Drag the pokemon from that category to your party.

    2. Drop the pokemon in your desired category.


    Method 2 : Right Click.

    I dont know if devs can implement this or not.

    Right click the pokemon (in any category) ,

    This will open a drop down menu

    select "Change category"

    chose the category from all the categories that you have made.


    Thats it. I hope I explained it well. Let me know if its worth adding into the game and leave a reply for any queries regarding this suggestion. and your views on this suggestion ofc.

    Thank you for reading.

    ~ Discord Tag - @Carl Brzycki#1582

    ~ Ingame Name - Shagun5750

    • Like 10
  8. IGN: Shagun5750

    Server: Gold

    Question: is there any chance of any community/staff made unique pokemon making it into the game? (if it is good and balanced ofc) A completely new/unique region filled with such pokemons can also be made. (as lilithblack asked).

    Staff Team Directed To: Developers...I heard developers are king and make the final decisions :v

    • Like 1
  9. Greetings Here is my UI design.


    1. It is a design only made like an UI Application as I thought it would be easier to make it that way instead of making it in paint or photoshop.

    2. It is not having any cool designs or Icons as i m not good with photoshop. I m pretty sure that PRO's designer team can make it look cool if it gets selected.

    3. There are 2 Images , One is just an overview of design while the other Image with number is for explaination.

    [MEDIA=imgur2]yPXHa0C[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=imgur2]gAEKOqd[/MEDIA]



    Please Refer to the second Image for the following numbers.


    1. weathers can be seen there like " Rain is falling -- 3-4 turns Left" or even a better statement.


    2,3,4,5 - these block shows Boosts/buffs/debuffs to the physical attack, phy def , spa.attack , spa.def , speed . as of now the number in each block is 0 indicating neither a buff or debuff. (jLabel element is used here in each block. )


    6- shows the status condition of the pokemon - sleep , paralyzed , poison etc. symbols of appropriate size should be used as an icon to show the status in the 6th block.


    7-shows battle effects like Taunted ...here also the staff has to make a symbol to represent taunt and use it in the block to show it.


    8- click on it and it will show a list of all the entry hazards and their layers. 0 layers mean no entry hazard. (the table can be modified to show only those entry hazards which are active on the battle field along with the number of layers.)


    9- these blocks shows the symbols of opponents pokemon team ...thier dead pokes and live pokes can be showN here . Your pokemons will also be shown here when you click on "Pokemons" Button.


    10 - is the timer for the Ranked battles .


    11- battle logs. somewhat similar to showdown.


    12- check this box to make sure ur pokemon evolves to mega the next turn.


    13- click on this if u want to use the Z-move this turn.


    14 --- click on this to see your pokemons and switch to the live ones from the 9th blocks.


    15 -- click on this to see all 4 abilities in the 18th blocks.


    16-- no need for ITEMS in ranked battle . in other battleS the space for the Battle logs can be used to show the list of items.


    17-- run away from a battle if u can! (the symbol of the gender of the pokemon can be shown in the column infront of the name. )


    18 - the place where the MOVES of the selected pokemon will be shown to the user.


    Thank you.


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