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Posts posted by Dawntae

  1. 185966 I've been trying to catch a good pokemon to beat Sabrina in kanto so I decided on absol. Is it possible to catch absol in kanto? I have ms. I've been getting mixed answers from people. Please help!

    You may be able to buy one from another player, but I can't remember if the ones from Mt. Silver is considered Kanto or not. Also, Gastly/Haunter is a really great option for clearing Kanto in general. I think if you grab a Gastly and head to Seafoam Islands (the little water caves below Fuchsia) then you can hit 80 in almost no time at all there.

  2. 181622 Why do they have infinite PP use? Was it like that in regular Pokemon games, i can't seem to recall. What are some of your thoughts on this guys lol i'm generally curious. :Nervous:

    I'm pretty sure they didn't have infinite PP in the regular games. As far as PRO goes, it doesn't matter to me if they have it or not lol most battles don't even come close to going long enough for them to run out of PP.

  3. 181572 We all know that the server crash a few times a day. However this game is still in beta.


    I was a few times as a member. We all know that the server crash a few times a day. However this game is still in beta.


    I was a few times as a member although I knew that crashes were happening. There are more people with login issues.

    We all knew the consequences when a server crashes. It affects us all. Don't worry.


    I know for sure they are doing the best they can to find solutions and fix them.

    Plus they know that this is happening to us and in the past they have extended membership to players who were a member in the game.

    Just hang tight and stay. :Smile:

    I really wish people would stop saying that here.


    Anyway, the game is never down for days at a time, the time you're going to lose off of your membership from the server being down is negligible.

  4. 181321 sorry but this absolutely will not happen to may ways to be abused

    Actually, what about an automated muting system that triggers when someone sends messages in rapid succession? Like, a bit ago when a person was on Blue server spamming the message regarding.. I think the name was Nina? There were several accounts sending the copy pasted messages without much if any delay between them. It went on for a good bit of time.

  5. 181048 If you get annoyed by trolls/spammers you more likely aren't mature enough to play online games that part of gaming nowadays.

    Sigh.. who wouldn't get annoyed by someone spamming a chat making it impossible to read what others are actually saying? I'm trying to sell something and someone is spamming it away so that no one can see it, but if I get annoyed by that I'm not mature? What if I saw a Pokemon go up for sale and I didn't catch the guys name before it got spammed away, I guess I must not be mature if that annoyed me too? I don't know when maturity levels started getting gauged by what annoys you, but I think it's quite silly.


    Anyway, it does seem difficult to prevent abusing your suggestion unless there was some kind of system put in place alongside it. For instance, something that only toggles the voting for people active in the community? I have no idea lol

  6. 179096 catch a murkrow, headbutt trees at night in r 38? (the route left of that city) he really isnt hard at all..

    I don't think you can even go left of the city without beating him first


    Anyway, use your good rod (if you have it) at the water spot in the city. That's what I used to level up there.

  7. 174970 2 weeks for me is ok..

    You have something a little brown on your nose, you should really try wiping it off.


    Personally, I'm on the fence when it comes to the cooldown for bosses. I love when I get a Riolu or something like that and I'll just think okay this was totally worth waiting for, but then when you pick up a Charcoal or something from Oak three times in a row...


    I wouldn't mind if the cooldowns shifted depending on the prize you get. If it's something like I mentioned then maybe you could battle Oak again in 1 week, but if it's a Pokemon then it'll stick to the 14 day timer.

  8. 172177 Ah, I see. Thank you guys for the quick response. I have to admit this made me sway a fair bit as I dislike supporting such practices, but I'll see how the situation develops in the coming months.

    That's completely up to you, but players who do not wish to spend their own money can use in-game currency (Pokemon/PokeDollars/Items) to purchase the membership medallion from other players.

  9. So, I'll actually answer your question.


    Member Pokemon are only able to be caught by people with membership, however, people who do not have membership can still obtain those Pokemon through trading.


    Also, while a Pokemon may be considered members only on a certain route, it could still be available for non-members on a different one.

  10. 167048 Final Fantasy XV looks amazing bruh, have you seen the gameplay for the Carbuncle one?


    I myself started from FF8 where Squall and Rinoa was like the :Heart: of everyone. And then, FFX came and swept my mind with Tidus and Yuna. X-2 was meh, good attempt but I felt it kinda ruined X.

    I need you to marry me, like right now. You have a Suikoden picture and started with FF8 just like I did.

  11. 164240

    and when someone wants to sell that pokemon for 120k and that was in market yesterday, fennekin atk 01, def 03, spd 06, spdef 12, hp don't remember nature jolly and I'm not making it up, what is that called?

    at least the one offered you 20k that's all he can afford and he wants to get a pokemon he likes, but what's the excuse to ask for loads of money for trash?

    "A rare event only pokemon"


    That's what we can call a collectors edition pokemon. It doesn't matter if it's "trash" as you so callously put it, but it's rarity sets it above the others.


    You're bidding on an item with any value from a dollar to millions of dollars, not walking into a supermarket and attempting to buy a soda with a set price tag of $9.99. This game is made up of different pokemon with different stats and those different stats causes the price to fluctuate. That makes everything being sold essentially an auction. And that is exactly how auctions work, you go in and look at an item and the man asks for offers from interested parties then the item goes to the one with the highest offer. I also wonder if you've ever played other games before because again, that's how it works. In most MMORPGS that relies on trades being made directly through player conversation.


    While your views on this may be idealistic, I do agree that people should list the minimum amount that they're willing to take just to save everyone's time.

    I just want to know where have you seen an auction before? any auction starts with showing the item and stating its value and then say we will start auction with x00k, and then people start to bid. there is no auction in the world that is left open like that because if it's open that means if the item value is 100k and I started with 18k you have to accept the bid and start the auction. that's how auction goes. and btw I bought a much better fennekins for only 40k and 60k cause the iv are low.


    I can already tell attempting a discussion with you is impossible, you're far too close minded on the subject. I extremely suggest you go expand your understanding of auctions because there are more types than the one you keep selectively choosing.

  12. I don't know if I'd say they were "scammed". As you mentioned prices fluctuate so maybe it was a good price for that day. No one forces someone to go and buy something that might be considered "overpriced". If someone pays too much for a Pokemon then that just means the Pokemon was worth that much to the buyer at that moment. You can't just blame the seller because the other person is suffering from buyer's remorse.

  13. 163971
    163967 Description and Message

    PRO Username: Dawntae

    Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

    On which server issue happened: BLUE


    What have you done before the problem was there?

    I leveled him up to 99 and it was night time so I decided to just afk in ecruteak(spelling) until 10am


    What have you already tried to solve the problem?



    Description and Message

    So I leveled my Riolu up to 99 and waited until after 10am to give him the rare candy, but the evolution popup didn't occur.



    Here is information https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/riolu

    I think you can try battle 1 wild pokemon and popup evolve will appear. Hope it can help you.

    Yeah, that worked, thank you. I thought I had to level it up with happiness.

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