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  1. Auction [Poke90231143] c.o. ikakashi 4m min bid 1m 5 mins left [https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/233239-auction-vday-blaziken/]link Start Point/Price: 1M End Point: gmt+0 9am 18th February Min. Raise: 1m Accepted Payment: Pokedollars, CC 380k c.o. = ikakashi 4m
  2. Sorry guys , it's all me . My bad for make something terrible . Sorry for all the bisharp bidders . I thought that if someone doesn't online for a lot of days i can make a new one but I'm wrong . Anyways I'm sorry again to all the staff and all the bisharp bidders . Apologies.
  3. Auction c.o. 50k [Poke89431539] by hawsspot epic 20+char min bid 20k 11 hours left [https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/231531-auction/]auction-link c.o. 50k by hawsspot Ends in GMT +0 2AM Sold
  4. Sold auction c.o. 250k [Poke88978921] hp fire by thanoswasright c.o. 250k by thanoswasright
  5. Alrightt I'm gonna online in aprrox 6 hours from now
  6. auction c.o.300k [Poke88177707] by jottape21 // c.o. 112k [Poke7406222] by akshay97 // c.o. 90k [Poke74551844] by teemo3333 ended https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/230627-auction-charizard-dragonite-pinsir/ co 300k by jottape21 co 112k by akshay97 co 90k by teemo3333
  7. Sold to wolfbasser [Poke83683318] c.o. 200k by wolfbasser ends in 30 mins
  8. I can't log into my game at silver server , it keeps on retrying plss help me fix this
  9. auction [Poke87695890] hp ice c.o. 135k by fallen072 min bid 5k end in 30 minutes left https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/228398-auction-timid-volcarona-hp-ice/ Current offer :135k min bid :5k sold to fallen072
  10. current offer : 200k min bid : 10k sold end in gmt+2 12.00 pm 23 november
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