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Everything posted by Cubelios

  1. SERVER TRANSFER Username: Cubelios Server to charge the money from: Silver Main server to transfer: Gold
  2. Re: WTS Shiny Swablu <r><QUOTE author="Omardaley1"><s> </e></QUOTE> go and report me dude this is the second shiny i got and i dont know anything about trade i post this on forum cause players told me that i should put this on forum. If you have any problems go and talk to this guy his ign is Luobo he is the one who offered 15m<e> </e></QUOTE> cubelios itd be best to pm him and ask him yourself to clear things up. and try to get a screenshot so ppl dont need to dispute whether its fake or not<e> </e></QUOTE> I have the name of 3 offers I am going to tell them just like you said and take the screenshot and thanks for believing me i can barely speak english and trying to explain this situtation is really hard for me</r>
  3. Re: WTS Shiny Swablu <r><QUOTE author="dragonel"><s> </e></QUOTE> go and report me dude this is the second shiny i got and i dont know anything about trade i post this on forum cause players told me that i should put this on forum. If you have any problems go and talk to this guy his ign is Luobo he is the one who offered 15m</r>
  4. Re: WTS Shiny Swablu <r><QUOTE author="nicsy1"><s> </e></QUOTE> I dont know if its fake or not but they seemed very serious about this situation and one guy told me that i should put this poke on forum<e> </e></QUOTE> No screenshot on actual bid ( or name of bidder ) = fake<e> </e></QUOTE> i only know their name the one who gives 15.5m is Luobo and the other guy who offer 15m is Pyxll</r>
  5. Re: WTS Shiny Swablu <r><QUOTE author="jamirakway"><s> </e></QUOTE> I dont know if its fake or not but they seemed very serious about this situation and one guy told me that i should put this poke on forum</r>
  6. Re: WTS Shiny Swablu <r><QUOTE author="Somes"><s> </e></QUOTE> Who bidded 15mil? just curious.<e> </e></QUOTE> not just one person everyone on the game started to offer me . I couldnt handle all of them tahts why i put the poke here</r>
  7. sold 8m to mustaches
  8. how do we find the water ?
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