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Posts posted by Deathwing

  1. While i like the idea, i think limiting to PvE coin would potentially choke out a potential content option down the line, which of course can be changed later down the line but would still set it back.
    Simply going dividing PvE Coin into Mecha part, on a mecha only content (dungeon, contest etc etc) if everything is piled up on PvE coin, easier methods will be favored for variety of things that can be done with it.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Bhimoso said:

    I'd say -1 but to extend the access to top 5 to allow two more guilds to enter it. I think there is no issue with having some PvE competition and an incentive to try to be at the top of the leaderboard. I fail to see how it is unfair.

    can have various things to be more desirable for some1 to reach top 5 or w/e. For example , top 5 PvE highscore (individual/party) would get one pokemon of their choosing to be a shadow variant. locking all variants up is not 

  3. While i appreciate the idea of getting players to try harder to obtain those, i don't find limiting the rest of the playerbase or letting a handful of people to completely dominate a market value of an entire variant healthy. 
    Every feature should be equally available to the entire playerbase, not just a select few.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Kutubuku said:

    Hello! I'm just an ordinary person, I just want Pokemon Revolution Online to hold a Ramadan event 

    Some interesting concepts that can make a fun event that are unique to the Ramadan holiday ;

    Young family members kiss the hands of the elders and thus elders give them money/gifts (event wise, players can talk to "Old man/woman" NPC's either for money or a numerical requirement for a reward. 
    At midnight a drummer will stroll the streets and people would give the drummer money. (random npc that appears through the map on random locations that the player must find and give something, complete x amount of times to recieve a gift at the end of the event.)
    Most common theme aside from more religious concepts of Ramadan is usually candy for themed mons.

  5. So in light of recent tests regarding exp share, i'd like to point out some cons and pros between exp share and daycare. While exp share is usually either pokemon + item or item x pokemon (held item for one or activate item for all 5) which in reality exp share has been used more for EV training lower level mons originally rather than actually distributing exp which drops the higher levels get based on a %, while the argument can be made that it can be edited to fit more towards an mmo setting but at the end of it you will still use the mon itself after a certain level, there are more pros that would benefit and have higher QoL changes with a daycare.
    First comparisson is the way exp share works, which is pokemon with the item to be in a party, meaning you will have one less pokemon to use and might want to use item or time more than you'd ideally liked to as opposed to having 6 high level mons that keep grinding exp and money, while having 6 mons in daycare and continue to get exp, meaning you can swap out all 6 mons in daycare in comparisson to switching out 1 or 2 mons for exp share, on an exp service standpoint that'd be more beneficial for daycare services to level multitudes of pokemon at a faster pace. Might even wanna add an option to have exp or EV options within the daycare system in itself.

    • Like 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, Eaty said:

    Hello, this is just a thought that I've been thinking about for a long time. It hasn't been discussed with the spawn editor and is not set in stone yet.

    Currently there is no difference between silver and the gold server, and I would like to change that slightly. Of course, the server transfer remains free every 30 days!


    I would like to have a time difference on both servers by 12 hours. So that, for example, it is 12 AM on silver while it's 12 PM on gold.
    Furthermore, I would like to follow the handhelds and add individual spawns only available on one of the two servers. So you can only catch Minun on silver and Plusle on gold. Through the server transfer and trades it would still be possible to catch all the Pokemon.


    What do you think about this? I am sure there are users that absolutely don't like the idea but please follow our forum rules and give reasons.

    Personally, i like the difference idea (example of minun & plusle) which enables both servers to be a bit intertwined both economically and aspects of availability of mons if such differences are more crucial than small gimmicks (no one uses minun & plusle), time difference is meh, doesnt really do much. So unless a more time-based events are introduced (i.e. you missed event x on silver, but you'll be able to participate on gold since its 12 hr difference) which should also solve things like world quest etc.
    Question is the end goal, as in, where do you want to go with this, small difference or a different experience entirely kinda vibe.
    Personally i'd like a more unique touch on both, maybe have different events variants (halloween, summer, xmas) based on server with reward differences etc.
    EDIT : if such differences are to be introduced (pokemon event etc.) the free-switch timer should be adjusted as well for QoL logisticaly imo.

  7. 11 hours ago, Xtremes said:

    But why are we just taking a small phrase out of everything I said and using that as a point? 


    Playing with just your starter from every region is the easiest thing you can do. You use 5 worthless pokemon to revive and heal your starter and you can win every single fight simply because he out levels everything by 20+ levels. 


    The game is not hard when played like that. The game is hard when played like a regular pokemon game, which makes no sense. Am I just not explaining myself properly? 

    The way things are viewed on an MMO scale differs from what you experience in singleplayer games. Single player games are less competitive so the narrative is "is it too difficult?" wheras on an MMO the difficulty narrative is "as long as its not impossible"
    Since majority of the playerbase have cleared the storylines, it is not "impossible" and relatively easy if you know to work your way around the mechanics and use them to your advantage, as well as type of pokemons that will give you the upperhand against the gym u're facing.
    The "fodder" pokemon mechanic is what you normally do on original games where you just have 5 useless mons and your starter is basically carrying you throughout the game. While it is doable, its not efficient and will make you lose alot of money down the line from revives potions etc.
    So the bottom line is, the game is not "that" difficult, you're just making it harder for yourself. Thats why i specifically quoted that out of the whole thing.

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  8. 53 minutes ago, Xtremes said:

    I will never understand why they thought this would be good for the game. I have friends who refuse to play the game simply for the fact that they cannot evolve their pokemon through the story. I don't know if they've explained it anywhere, but if they have someone link it please.

    Its actually very simple, the only pokemons that you need to level earlier than others are mons you require for storyline, which are garbage IV, chaotic EV spread and overall just a mon you need to beat a gym and not use ever again. On that regard you really don't need to put that much effort into be meticilous about them. Wheras a competitive mon has certain standarts, decent IV's, EV spread, movesets and level 100 or 50. Now PRO doesnt really have a 50's tier for PvP, which means it needs to be grinded to max level and you can do all of that pre-evo if you know what you should do and where you should do them.
    So yeah, it is actually a "good" design that is more conveniant for endgame as well as earlygame if you use it to your advantage.

  9. On 3/4/2021 at 7:39 PM, CitizenPete said:



    Like we all do, we release pokemon from pc.


    Would it be possible to get a different frame border for any event or shiny pokemon?

    I was thinking of one different frame border for all event/shiny pokemon, just to make the difference with all the "normal" pokemon


    In order to maybe have less people asking to restore pokemons?

    I made the mistake quite some times now, because some event, at this size, look a bit the same with the original form.


    Thanks for reading

    Thanks for support

    And thanks in advance if my idea make his way!


    ps :

    And also maybe we could have access to another frame border, and "mark" the pokemon we like in pc?

    Without reworking all pc (even if having a type searching bar could be nice 🙂 )

    I mean....... Considering the chances of you encountering a shiny whilst releasing a pokemon is like astromonical (sarcasm) i genuinly dont think there is a "confusion" aspect of them overlapping. I mean, having different frames is fine and all but that reason itself really doesnt mean much xD

  10. PRO Username: Orihara

    Do you have active membership?: No

    Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge


    What have you done before the problem was there?

    I listened to Niko playing Arabic songs for 5 seconds


    What have you already tried to solve the problem?

    Not answering calls


    Description and Message

    pls halp

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