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Everything posted by 0rekastanie

  1. I just want Sinnoh Starter Form :(( Event form: Infernape Summer Time investment: 12 hours Possibly interest to join staff either as Pixel Artist or Coin Shop icon creator: No Graphic: Sorry if u can, Evol 1: Add icecream for Chimchar. Evol 2: Hmm i have no idea. Evol 3: I'd like to trade watermelons for treasure boxes, sit on them and all that on an island. Infernape use anchor to catch a staryu.
  2. can discount for shiny misdreavus? Lux rich man
  3. maybe 150k for volteon, need hp ice and 31 spd ( imo )
  4. ty ralphryders again ( Zoroak : 250k, Ferrothorn : 50k )
  5. ty ralphryders ( scyther : 30k,greninja : 300k, garchomp : 300k, metagross : 500k )
  6. ty justphantom ( swampert : 40k, lucario : 200k )
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