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Everything posted by Killkillkilla

  1. ay i was bid the donphan number 66, why it's sold anywaY?
  2. Re: Wts epic beldum <t>2m1 :)))</t>
  3. Re: wts HP Ice Jolteon and 31 speed Jolly Aerodactyl <t>Timidddddddddd</t>
  4. Re: Wts epic beldum <t>make it 1m7</t>
  5. Re: wts HP Ice Jolteon and 31 speed Jolly Aerodactyl <t>make it 500k</t>
  6. How many hrs left anyway
  7. Lul some1 actually pay 1m 4 dat xddd
  8. Also start bid expoulde
  9. Start bid rose
  10. Re: Wts epic ha careful gliscor ^_^ <t>1m3 xD</t>
  11. Re: WTS Jolly Reckless Staraptor 26+ IVs <t>Start bid 50k</t>
  12. Re: Wts PvP ready Blaziken with epic IVs <t>2.1m~</t>
  13. Re: Wts PvP ready Blaziken with epic IVs <t>1.6 xd</t>
  14. Re: Wts PvP ready Blaziken with epic IVs <t>1M44444</t>
  15. Re: Wts PvP ready Blaziken with epic IVs <t>Fking wow skit 1m2 by me</t>
  16. the weezing sold out yet?
  17. Elec 750k is insta price?
  18. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 30+ PVP ready Poke ♦ [new pokemon - updated - 8/15/17] <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="427399" time="1502750074" user_id="1120928"><s> </e></QUOTE> Im in game right now</r>
  19. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 30+ PVP ready Poke ♦ [new pokemon - updated - 8/8/17] <t>I buy conkel</t>
  20. Re: Darkb0y's shop is now open 15% discount first 2 week <r><QUOTE author="DarkB0y" post_id="427272" time="1502732604" user_id="237829"><s> </e></QUOTE> Okey pm me in game I am connected always almost.Darkb0y. <e> </e></QUOTE> Oh man im so sorry im from yl server and now i found out this was sv red, i so sorry</r>
  21. Hey how much for the conke with 11spd? Adamant guts.
  22. Re: Darkb0y's shop is now open 15% discount first 2 week <t>Wtb the kabutop</t>
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