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Everything posted by Mangod

  1. Insta lowered to 9m about 8hrs left
  2. bump. about 15hrs left
  3. Thanks for starting. Auction ends 24hr after his post.
  4. Re: epic gastrodon (c.o 400k) and epic galvantula auctions <t>Bump.</t>
  5. start bid: 6m only not selling for lower Insta: 9m Time: 24hrs after start cc=350k
  6. https://imgur.com/a/rvfXe c.o 400k by rougeukilla 50k increases minimum Will change moveset to whatever you want 1.5m insta New bids will extend auction 5min as to prevent many bids at 6:34:59... Gastrodon ends December 23rd 6:35 CDT
  7. Thanks! Poliwag and charmander pc are at fully trained? I.e unusable in PvP?
  8. https://imgur.com/a/XohSt gastrodon https://imgur.com/a/3UhRh galvantula 1 https://imgur.com/a/9Y9O3 joltik 1 https://imgur.com/a/PMr8r joltik 2 https://imgur.com/a/81FQv poliwag https://imgur.com/a/SGPdh charmander pc all at fully trained please :)
  9. Re: Wts Shiny Porygon <t>congrats on being rich now</t>
  10. https://imgur.com/a/ASpHW hp fire also PC at fully trained please, thanks longlaken(b)by
  11. What would the price be?
  12. hello, interested? I want a bit better iv than that, sorry.
  13. Can pay godly too
  14. Re: Bash´s shop. (Added maaaany lvl 100 pvp pokes,) <t>How much for physical kingdra?</t>
  15. Would you mind putting your prices next to the Pokemon in the list? I've been looking at few over time but I'm not interested in haggling over price lol
  16. Fixed by creating shortcut and adding -force-d3d9 to it. Thanks to [mention]VeyezX[/mention] !
  17. typically happens in high traffic areas like vermillion pc or ghoul swamp. Happens randomly too, though. since the sinnoh update so redownloading hasnt helped. Basically the screen will go unresponsive, then the windows bug resolver pops up and tries to figure out whats going on but never finds anything. An error report file appears in the folder i keep pro in after the crashes as well. In the file it says an access violation caused the crash I think. I've donated a decent amount of money to this game as but the crashes are getting too much to keep playing. I would love if this could get resolved so I could keep playing. Thanks for any help.
  18. Add me please
  19. Sold to ikonos. You were afk just now, next time I can get on pro will be around 10 or 11 pm central time.
  20. https://imgur.com/a/PMaau Edit: h.p ice as well start bid=500k increase in 50k increments insta = 1.5m time=approximately 24hr accept poke trade(volcarona/excadrill/blissey or other poke offered that i want) accept item(jetski=400k[accept 1x only]/cc=350k) thanks!
  21. https://imgur.com/a/y8DSL start bid 300k ends 2 days
  22. I want to clarify he is starting the bid, he is European so 1.5k=1.5mil :)
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