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Everything posted by Chuckjoris

  1. did you do something to make it work? or you just kept trying? after the update i just cant loggin in anymore I kept trying ^^' But ATM it works fine :) I had to relaunch few times after i was in game because of freeze that made me unable to customize my character, but now it's ok ^^
  2. Hey ! I have exactly the same problem... When i press "login", my screen is freezing (music still playing) and then it says "Can not connect to server.." (yeah, there are only two dots...). Server is online and there are slots for players and it's not "locked" After some try, i can have the message "logging in" (screen isn't freezing), then it disappears and... nothing... Pressing "Login" after doesn't work (no attempt to connect i mean) EDIT : After hours and hours trying, it works for the first time ! (Sorry for my english, frenchy here ^^)
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