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Everything posted by Heromantv1

  1. Re: Wts Godlike Absol and Floatzel. <t>I can't pm u guy, i'll online on Dec 31 at 12:30am ( your local time)</t>
  2. Re: Wts Godlike Absol and Floatzel. <r><QUOTE author="Ortegajd" post_id="487879" time="1514560880" user_id="1521506"><s> </e></QUOTE> pm in game when u are online <e> </e></QUOTE> What 's your ingame name? And can i know your time zone. I guess when u online I falling as sleep</r>
  3. Re: Wts Godlike Absol and Floatzel. <t>Ok i buy absol with insta price</t>
  4. Thank you so much guys. It was a uncomfortable experience to me. I hope the game 'll develope in the future.
  5. Re: Wts Godlike Absol and Floatzel. <t>Insta buy absol? Did the auntion end?</t>
  6. I have beated her but right after I talk with her my computer lost connection and when I log in again, she disappeared. Do u know how to go to sinnoh again
  7. How can i find game staff ingame ?
  8. ingame: heromantv1 sever Blue
  9. I beat her and talk to her, but when I talking to her I have lagged and lost connection. Then she disappears, how can go to sinnoh again. Anybody help me.
  10. Sorry lagging, I don't want to spam
  11. 400k sold !
  12. Does it have any hp
  13. Start bid
  14. You said that it ends at 7 November 12:30 gt +2, it not fair. I don't know about that. How can i offer when I'm sleeping
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