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Everything posted by Lolurface

  1. Can I start 1m?
  2. I guess I won I'm available to meet.
  3. 1.15m
  4. Yes it is.
  5. Our timing seems a bit off do you think we can get a mod to trade it for us?
  6. Hey I'm avaliable @Leoreece
  7. start
  8. 600k will transfer if i win
  9. 750k noibat will transfer from silver to gold if i win
  10. S.O = 400k C.O = 2.1M Min. Raise 50k No Insta Start after first bid 48 hour auction gl! END TIME : 8:49 PM EST 9/28/2023 CC = 360k
  11. Didn't I win both since you said 3 hrs left which means that the timer started when you posted this post and not when the first bid was made?
  12. Hey did I win the auction for the lop? I'm avaliable right now if you want to trade.
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