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  1. Hello friends! To preface: I'm new, just read the rules, just searched for similar topics but didn't find anything, and I appreciate the patience of those donating their time to this project~ So the other night I was fresh off of trampling Surge, backtracking. I got to the cave-bypass dig shortcut, busted out ye olde TM28 and pointed the business end at my Onix. At the time I was on the Android version, and on a 5" phone no less, so buttons are small. The move I wanted to replace was in the last slot, I misclicked it and hit cancel, and in a hazy hustle, clicked through the confirmation dialog. Anyway, my TM28 disappeared. My Onix does not know Dig. I am a sad camper, because I'm not sure where to get another one this early in the game. I came here because I'm pretty sure destruction is not the intended action upon cancelling TM use. Is there any way someone could grant a TM28 to my account? I won't be playing on my phone again, because of this other small issue: I can't seem to hand my pokemon items from my bag. I can take them away just fine, but giving doesn't seem to work. A friend has confirmed this is not a problem on desktop. And a tertiary minor gripe: I really appreciate that movesets are visible in the pokedex and that you can check which pokemon spawn on which route from within the game - but I still have to google which TMs do what, as only HMs have their moves listed in the item name. I'd have to open it *and* blindly select a compatible mon to find out what it does - at which point it is destroyed if I cancel. It's inconsistent and unfriendly. :( tl;dr: gib tm28 pls Thanks again for your time! -Lucentauri :Grin:
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