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About Reinhardt88

Reinhardt88's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: EPIC 158 IV GENGAR <t>CC + 300k</t>
  2. Re: WTS EPIC PVP READY Chandelure <r>Sold for 1.2m (insta)<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/nBvLHRa.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Sorry terror i did not see your edit until after it was sold, you should have made a new post or sent me a pm to instant buy it.</r>
  3. Re: WTS EPIC PVP READY Chandelure <t>auction ending tomorrow.</t>
  4. Go for it bro.
  5. Re: WTS EPIC PVP READY Chandelure <t>1 cc = 400k, so the current max bid is 800k.</t>
  6. Re: Wts epic togekiss <t>ill start at 500k</t>
  7. I attempted to do just this but i could never get a hold of the person who wrote the spawn guide to see if i could copy paste those into my guide and from what i can tell no one was really interested in a complete perfect walkthrough so i just gave up on the project. If you want to see what i have done / improve on it be my guest, it can be found here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=97&t=73671.
  8. Starting Bid: 500K Instant: 1.2M Auction ends in 3 days
  9. IGN : Solanus Answer 1 : Azelf Answer 2 : The Triforce from The Legend of Zelda
  10. Re: WTS - 31/31 Epic Gengar <t>Sorry teerav but i have already had 6 500k offers and 3 at 600k so im starting the MINIMUM bid at 800k or i just wont sell it at all.</t>
  11. I would stick to yellow, blue is mostly people spamming trash pokemon / silly chat. I started out on blue but i would have played yellow if i would have known about blues community before hand.
  12. Yup pretty much the reason i quit the game, it never made sense to me why this is a thing. Almost every single new player will evolve their pokemon just to find out they messed up and now will require having to grind a lot longer to beat the e4. All this feature does is hamper new players, im not sure why it even exists in the game outside of it being an "mmo" feature, seems like all it does is turn new players away.
  13. Honestly the grind in PRO 1.0 is why i quit playing and am waiting on 2.0 to launch. While i am perfectly fine with grinding the right natures and IV's im not fine with being unable to evolve my pokemon for the story mode (yes i know you can evolve them but not without the exp penalty). There are a lot of things in 2.0 that i wish 1.0 had, like catchable legendaries, mega evolves, flying, no exp increase after evolving and so on but the pro staff wants the game to be grindy and hard and they have the right to make it that way, it is of course their game after all. And don't even get me started on Johto as a whole, that region had a ton of problems. TLDR: Pro 1.0 could be an amazing game if some tweaks were made, at least enough to make the new player experience better.
  14. i personally don't think PRO is big enough to warrant a shutdown BUT i do see action being taken with PRO 2.0, that game looks amazing and when it gets released its going to have a massive playerbase, so im already prepared for PRO 2.0 to eventually get a C&D letter and get shut down.
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